A Blind Date

Mo Ting continued, "I don't have any bad habits. I just smoke and don't drink much. If you don't like it when I smoke, I can try to quit. I'm in good health and have good stamina and endurance. I go to the gym three times a week, and my body fat percentage is maintained at 16.1% all year round. There's no hereditary history. You've met my grandfather, and the people of the mo family have quite long lives."

"When it comes to food, I'm very light in taste, but I can also eat spicy food, but I might not be able to eat too spicy. If you like to eat hotpot, I can eat with you. Just have the clear soup. I sleep very quietly, I don't snore, I don't grind my teeth, I don't get up at night, and I don't have any strange hobbies." At this point, Mo Ting suddenly thought of something and paused for a moment.

Su Yuan was helpless, did Mo Ting take the wrong medicine? What was this? A blind date? Help!

"Don't move," Mo Ting suddenly hugged her tightly again.