Escape From Punishment

A thought suddenly flashed through Su Yuan's mind, causing her to jump up from the bed in shock. F*ck! F*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

She had never thought about it from the start. When did Mo Ting leave after she fell asleep yesterday? She had no impression of it at all.

Inside the bedroom, Su Yuan was so angry that she was about to explode. She kicked the luggage that Mo Ting had packed for her last night. Motherf*cker! She had been wondering why this adulterous man was so attentive and even helped her pack her luggage. As expected, he was a weasel paying a new year's visit to a chicken. He didn't have good intentions! The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. So, she pulled out her phone and gave Mo Ting a call.

Good job, Mo Ting! How could he be so despicable and shameless to do such a thing while she was asleep! No wonder he left before dawn, he was running away to escape punishment!