Everyone Is Numb

The strange feeling in Gu Qin's heart rose again. "Little Yuan, what exactly is your uncle's identity? As an executive of EL Entertainment, how can you interfere in the business of EL Entertainment? If I remember correctly, EL International and EL Entertainment are two branches that do not interfere with each other!"

As soon as Su Yuan heard this, she knew she couldn't keep it a secret anymore. Actually, she didn't want to hide it from them, but if she told them Mo Ting's identity, they would eventually find out that they were married. At that time, she didn't know how she would scold her!

"That...you all know that EL just had a new president, right?"

Xu Yingying exclaimed, "I know. My dad was very envious that their company's CEO was invited to attend!" 

Su Yuan scratched her nose and said, "That's him..."

Gu Qin was speechless.

Xu Yingying was speechless.

Qu Lin was speechless.

There was a strange silence around them.