These Are the Rules

Chen Yi thought, 'How can a snake that's more than a meter long calm more than a hundred people down? I've already thrown it away."

Su Yuan's eyes widened, and she turned around to walk out the door. "Where did you throw it? I'll go pick it up."

"Come back!" Chen Yi helplessly rubbed the space between his eyebrows. "I didn't throw it away. It's in the kitchen."

Su Yuan's eyes immediately curved into crescents. "You scared me to death, uncle."

Chen Yi suddenly looked at her with a serious face. "What did you just call me?"

Su Yuan's face was full of innocence, "What's wrong? I have an uncle who loves me a lot. I came here to participate in the talent show, but he went on a business trip, so I couldn't see him. I just felt that you looked a little like him, so I just called you that. If you don't like it, I won't call you that."

Chen Yi secretly heaved a sigh of relief. "Go ahead."

"Okay, uncle." Su Yuan narrowed her eyes.