The Program Is Toxic

Su Yuan said, "I have a friend who seems to have dislocated ankle bone and contusions of soft tissue. Tell Cui Feng to wait for me at first People's Hospital. I need you to come to my place within 30 minutes. Can you do that? "

Fu Wen's tone also became serious, "No problem, miss. I'll be there in 30 minutes!"

Su Yuan said, "Help me prepare some medicine, a pack of ice, and the bag in my room. Do you remember?"

"Is it the one you used when the president's leg was injured?"

Su Yuan said, "That's right. Bring them all over. As soon as possible!"


Su Yuan hung up and ordered Orange Cat, "Go find teacher Chen immediately. He's the only one we can talk to. Tell him what's happening."

Orange Cat was afraid that he would not be able to find Chen Yi alone, so he pulled Zhang Qian and ran out of the dance studio.

Su Yuan looked at Xu Jia again. Did she look better? She wasn't as pale as before.