It’s Not Oil, It’s Shampoo

Chen Yi glared at him and ignored him.

"I'm telling you, you'd better stay away from her. She's my Mrs. Ting."

Cui Feng emphasized the words 'Mrs. Ting'. He hoped that Chen Yi would repent and stop at the edge of the cliff.

Su Yuan didn't want to talk to these two childish kids. She walked to the bed to check on Xu Jia's foot injury and nodded in satisfaction."It's not bad. The swelling has already subsided."

'Yes, miss. The director of the Chinese medicine Department praised you for a long time just now. I thought you probably didn't want to see them, so I told him that you were busy today and wouldn't come, so I sent them away.'

Su Yuan immediately gave Fang Wen a thumbs up and complimented, "Very well done, Assistant Fu!"

Chen Yi was speechless.

"Boss, I have something to tell you." As she spoke, Xu Jia struggled to get up.

"Just lie down and talk," Su Yuan said.