The First Trial

Su Yuan pushed Mo Ting away and stuck her foot out. She removed her socks, revealing a fair and pink foot. She was obviously very thin, but her foot was chubby. When it was first exposed to the air, its five little toes were a little uncomfortable and even curled up subconsciously, but it was extremely cute.

"That, teacher Chen, can you help me hold it...hey, what are you doing!" Su Yuan felt a warm and moist touch on her toes. Mo Ting, that pervert, had actually kissed her toes!

Su Yuan was stunned. "Damn it! Had she just been molested a second ago?! His foot was still molested! Ah! Mom, I'm not clean anymore!"

Mo Ting maintained a serious expression, "You didn't believe me, right? I'll just prove it a little."

Su Yuan said, "To hell with proving! Who wants you to prove it!"

"Get off me!" She shouted.