Getting to Know the CEO of EL

At this moment, the student beside Bai Yurou suddenly nudged her, "Bai Yurou, you're the daughter of a wealthy family. You should have been to the EL Hotel, right?"

Bai Yurou's eyes flashed. She had never been there before. A few years ago, EL Hotel was renovated and rebuilt. After it was upgraded to an extremely luxurious hotel, it became a place that wealthy families of City A would flock to, where they could show their status.

Bai Weiguang had gone there twice for business. After he came back, he banned the Bai family from going there. The reason was that the cost of that place was too high. It was enough for him to go alone for such a limelight. The women at home were not qualified to go.

Bai Yurou had begged Fu Xinlian many times to bring her there, but Fu Xinlian had never agreed. Therefore, she had only passed by the entrance of the hotel and had never stepped foot there. However, she still recognized the hotel's logo.