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Many students' gazes fell on Su Yuan. At this moment, Su Yuan's face was calm. There was no surprise, excitement, or excitement at all. Everyone was even more confused. What was going on?

Bai Yurou looked up at Su Yuan in disbelief. At this moment, she even forgot about her jealousy. She only hoped that what she had just heard was fake!

Su Yuan was just a country bumpkin, a wild girl. How could she know the noble head of the Mo family? The Mo family was a well-known family. Only a perfect woman like her was qualified to know them. Who did Su Yuan think she was?

Bai Yurou was so angry that she kept tearing the tablecloth under the table. The originally smooth tablecloth had been torn into pieces by her, but she did not notice it at all. It was as if the only way to appease her anger was to tear the tablecloth into pieces.

It was the instructors who had seen big scenes before. They were only surprised for a moment before they immediately returned to normal.