
After a few days of selling scarves, Qu Zhi had a small sum of money in her hands, enough to buy many dresses.

Of course, it was enough to register a company.

Since there wasn't anything else to do recently, she had to start up the company as soon as possible. Who knew when trouble would come?

The sooner she settled this, the sooner she could strengthen her career and have more time to spend with her child.

She had done some calculations. A company like hers would take a few years to mature. By the time Sisi went to a nursery, her career would have stabilized.

This way, she would have time to keep the two children company.

Little Gu made a detailed list of the information needed for registration and handed it to Qu Zhi. She just had to prepare according to the list in the next two days.

The silk scarves in Lin He's house were almost all sold out. If she set up the stall for another day, they would probably be sold out.