
On the second day of the trial, Qu Zhi went to deguang housekeeping company to sign the contract. The receptionist was shocked. "There's still one more day of trial."

"There's no need to try," since she had already trusted her, there was nothing more to test. Besides, she would save as much time as she could. She could spend more time with her child in the free time.

Just like that, Liu Hui became Qu Zhi's nanny. She was not the kind of housemaid who lived at home. She reported at seven in the morning and got off work at eight in the evening, just in time to help Qu Zhi prepare three meals daily. This way, Qu Zhi would have more time for her company.

The nanny's cooking skills were quite good, and Qu Zhi knew she had found the right person when she saw the nanny preparing a large variety of breakfast in ten minutes. Qu Zhi asked Liu Hui to get a set of chopsticks and a bowl and they ate together.