
The next day, Qu Zhi had to go to Deguang Housekeeping Company to re-sign the contract. She wanted to change Liu Hui's working style into a live-in style. She knew that this meant she would have to pay Liu Hui more. However, after careful consideration, she gritted her teeth and made a decision for the sake of her child and herself.

However, Liu Hui disagreed. "I'm eating your food, using your things, and living in your house. Your baby is still playing with me. How can I let you spend more money?"

Qu Zhi laughed at her. "You can eat as much as you want. It's a small matter. You're so capable, and the children like you so much. I'm willing to spend as much money as I can to make you stay!"

Liu Hui still didn't agree. "There's really no point in you giving it to me like this. I'm not short of money. Besides, the company has already taken a lot of money, and my salary is still the same. Why don't you go out with me for a few more meals?"