The Lotus Flower

After the incident, Lin He made a big scene. She confiscated Li Guo's bank cards and threw away all the famous cigarettes and wines in his house. She even smashed his office table in the company, causing Li Guo to be away from work for a long time. Until now, he could only stay at his friend's house.

Li Guo had expected this to happen, and he would be fine after this. But now, he was really afraid of this woman. That gentle woman who only knew how to pursue branded goods had so many ideas to torture him.

Liang Wen was also affected by this. Of course, Liang Wen was still in contact with Li Guo. When he heard Li Guo's words, he knew that it was Qu Zhi's idea. Now it was Li Guo, and he would be next.

However, Liang Wen was smart and knew how to read the mood. Although Qu Zhi didn't say anything and did what she was supposed to do at home, Liang Wen still felt uncomfortable. He couldn't describe the discomfort.