
After eating and drinking her fill, Chuchu took out the photo from her pocket and held it up in front of Aunt Hui. "I found it in the drawer of Dad's office. Who could this be?"

Aunt Hui put on her glasses and looked at them carefully for a long time, but she still couldn't recognize who she was. She looked very young, about 20 years old.

But of course, she knew what Chuchu was thinking about. Aunt Hui smiled and stroked Chuchu's hair. "Aren't Dad and Mom busy with recruitment recently? It's probably the resume of a new employee." Aunt Hui also had her resume and knew her photo was not that big. Besides, whose ID photo would still be so coquettish?

"Should I return it?" just as Chuchu heaved a sigh of relief, she suddenly realized she seemed to have done something wrong!