A New Order

The renovation of the new house, two new houses at that, was handed over to Qu Zhi. Although there wasn't much time, Qu Zhi wasn't willing to leave everything for the most urgent time. She had to prepare for a rainy day, so she started working on the renovation in the next few days.

Not only the new house but also two shops that needed to be renovated. After that, one of them could be rented out. This was also a way to make money. As a result, Qu Zhi's workload increased again. It had been a long time since she had done any renovations, so it took some effort.

Qu Zhi got busy again. She woke up very early in the morning. She couldn't sleep and was a little nervous.

When she was free, she would get some facials done. Every time she lay down, all her troubles would be gone, just like charging her battery. After resting enough, the electricity would be fully charged, and she would have the strength to fight again.