
Qu Zhi didn't sleep for the entire night. She only felt something was on her mind, so she tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.

Liang Wen tried to persuade her, "Why are you forcing yourself? Don't you still have me?" This was a small problem. Even if she had to go to court, Liang Wen knew the best lawyer in Jiang City. What was Qu Zhi worried about?

Qu Zhi felt uncomfortable depending on him all the time. She could do it on her own. It was just a lawsuit, so why did she have to rely on him for such a small matter?

She didn't want to.

Qu Zhi mumbled a reply and snuggled under the blanket to sleep. She actually suffered from insomnia and usually woke up in the morning. However, she still had to treasure this precious time and rest for a while.

In the morning, Qu Zhi felt a bitter taste in her mouth and her head was spinning. She only got up at eight o'clock today, an hour later than usual.