
The two children chosen by Qu Zhi were very young, even younger than the girl at the front desk. They had just graduated. Lin He had taken a fancy to one of the boys because he was smart.

How smart was he? Qu Zhi smiled.

Smart people often didn't show their intelligence on their faces. Sometimes, those who looked smart might only know how to dress up, but their minds were empty and couldn't work. In that case, it would be useless.

The two children were a girl and a boy.

The girl was the earliest to arrive. Qu Zhi valued her because she wrote on her resume, "Meticulous, serious, and punctual." This sentence was too important.

Qu Zhi had always felt that a punctual person had a certain charm to them. It was as if even if the sky collapsed, they would still remain in their position, with a courage that was close to that of a brave man. This was a quality that Qu Zhi had always hoped Chuchu would possess.