Growing Up

Only Liang De and Liang Jie's eyes were so cold that they could make people shiver.

"Xiao Yu..." Although qu Yan wasn't afraid anymore, the pressure from the other side was too strong. She tried her best to relax her tone. "He's, indeed, quite good."

Although Liang De didn't dare to lose his temper with his precious daughter, he still had some confidence when it came to Qu Zhi.

He raised his voice, and his voice deepened. "How is he good?" Did she believe Liang Na just because she said a few words? The people outside are bad!

Liang De even began to suspect that this daughter-in-law of his, Qu Zhi, had an unhappy marriage and wanted to marry his precious daughter to the wrong person so that she could live the same miserable life as her.

"As long as Liang Na thinks it's good," Qu Zhi didn't avoid his gaze and looked directly into Liang De's eyes. "I'm just an advisor. I heard her talk about this young man, and I think he's a good person."