Icing on the Cake

The advertising company received news from Mrs. Chen a long time ago. Although Qu Zhi's company was not big, it was a big client. They would know when they cooperated.

They knew that since Mrs. Chen had asked, they couldn't slack off. They had worked with Qu Zhi before and earned quite a bit from it. How could they have any attitude towards such a customer? They could only show 200% sincerity.

This time, Qu Zhi came with a script. The person in charge took a few glances and couldn't help but pout. He looked at Qu Zhi with shining eyes. "This, this is okay?" Even the insiders felt that it was fine.

This praise was indeed pleasing to the ears, but Qu Zhi still knew that an outsider was an outsider. The script given by the scriptwriter and director last time wasn't so simple. There was also camera language, which was beyond their ability.