
In the afternoon, they went to the advertising company to watch the first version. It was not bad, but she felt something was missing.

"Your company also shoots advertisements?" Deng Dong's eyes widened. She was very interested. She could see Qu Zhi's commercial on TV.

Qu Zhi pulled out the advertisement for the "Jiale Scarf" she had shot before and showed it to her. After watching it, Deng Dong clapped her hands. "This is so creative!" Her eyes lit up. "Then why don't you use it in the sequel?"

"How do I use it?" It wasn't that she didn't want to, but there were a total of three advertisements. How was she going to divide the light and shade?

"Aiya, you put the dark in the background and show the gift in the primary color". Won't this overlap with the previous movie?

Deng Dong's casual words woke Qu Zhi up.

She patted the person in charge beside her. "Do it like that."