Moving House

In fact, the new bungalow had already been tidied up. Qu Zhi thought that the smell should have mostly dissipated by now, so she could move in.

A while ago, Qu Zhi had managed to rent out the house she had bought for Chuchu. The tenant was a white-collar worker who didn't stay in the house much and was very polite to others. Qu Zhi had met him a few times and felt that he was a very down-to-earth person. She didn't have to worry about renting the house to him.

Now that she had collected the rent, she could still add some new furniture to her new home.

That day, she and Aunt Hui shopped in the mall for the whole day and bought all the vases, carpets, and other small items.

At night, she carried many bags of things home. Liang Wen understood immediately. "The new house has been renovated?"