
Mrs. Chen didn't waste any time. She asked her friend to book a ticket back to the mainland and would leave the next day.

She still had some money on her. Even if she didn't have a place to stay, she didn't need to sleep on the streets.

In fact, she had not unpacked her luggage yet. Now that she had to go back, it was more convenient and she did not need to pack up.

Thinking about returning to the mainland, she thought of the Art Gallery. The days seemed to be the same as before, gentle as flowing water.

Mrs. Chen felt relieved and couldn't help but smile.

It wasn't her own plan to marry and move to Taiwan. At that time, she was still a graduate student in the local Arts Department, and she and Mr. Chen were just ordinary lovers. The two of them met in the gallery and seemed to be fated to be together. Their relationship developed rapidly and they met their parents three months later.