Soft Tactics

Qu Zhi had been quite busy with work recently, but fortunately, Sisi had finished her class, so she could focus on her work for the time being.

It was almost autumn, and it was time to spend on scarves. The Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon, and it was also the best time to give gifts.

Qu Zhi grabbed at opportunities and was so busy her feet almost touched the ground, so she naturally didn't have the time to care about Bai Xi. As she busied herself, Qu Zhi realized the sales personnel were extremely busy and had been busy the entire afternoon. She had no choice but to facepalm - she had to recruit another personnel.

That day, she had finished her work early and was planning to go home and rest. The next morning, she went out to recruit people with Dong Feng. When she returned home, she saw Chen En wearing a red short-sleeved shirt.

She took a closer look. This short-sleeved shirt was Chuchu's.