Fried Rice

Aunt Hui realized that Bai Xi really couldn't be blamed for washing the clothes. If some clothes weren't carefully and professionally taken care of, they would really lose their thread and color, and even go out of shape.

"Xixi, how many clothes do you have left? Aunt Hui can help you take a look and see which ones are easier to wash." Aunt Hui asked Bai Xi as she sorted out the clothes in the bathroom.

Bai Xi had just woken up at this time. She was wearing a silk spaghetti strap nightgown and brushing her teeth in a daze. These days, the clothes she had brought back were almost all worn out, and she did not dare to wash them randomly, so they were almost all piled up here.

"There's not much left," washing clothes was an especially urgent matter.

Aunt Hui frowned, thinking that Bai Xi might not go back for the time being. She wanted to see if she was willing to go out and buy some practical clothes so she wouldn't feel bad when she washed them.