
Xiao Hu could not walk very well. When his heart rate was too fast, he would blush and pant after taking two steps. Aunt Hui could not stand it anymore.

"Come, eat some." In the morning, Auntie Hui brought breakfast to Xiao Hu's room and even brought a small table. This way, Xiao Hu could eat on the bed and did not have to carry his own bowl.

Aunt Hui had prepared some porridge with Sisi's pork floss. Not only would it not hurt the stomach, but it would also give the child an appetite.

Xiao Hu was actually three or four years younger than Chuchu, so he was no longer a child. When he saw the meat floss soaked in the porridge, a rare smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you, Grandma." He looked at Aunt Hui and said softly.

This was a treatment that only children had. Usually, at home, Grandma would only cook porridge. He would eat porridge with salted vegetables every day and was already sick of it.