
"Kyle? Or Babi?" Arya asked.

"These are good names… umm… Jack or Snoopy are good too right? Stella asked.

"But…never mind!" Maya stopped.

"What is it dear?" Stella asked her. "Well… Snoopy kinda sounds like a dog's name! I think, " Maya said.

"How dare you?" Stella snapped at Maya.

Both Maya and Arya were amazed.

"I thought about this lovely name and you're insulting me already? Is this how you respect your mother in law? Stella asked angrily.

Arya felt strange about his mother's behavior. He was about to say something and Maya intervened, "I am very sorry mother. I really didn't mean to hurt you. I think I might have mistaken… p-please don't be angry" Maya bowed her head while apologising. Arya saw her mother's face, still angry and disappointed.

"What's wrong with her?" Arya thought to himself. Seeing Maya bowing like that made him feel disturbed and then suddenly,

"Hahaha… oh my sweetheart! " Stella bursted out laughing. Arya instantly knew it and he smiled too. "So this is what you expect me to be? " Stella asks Maya, who stood there confused. "Maya, do you think of me as this much rough and short-tempered? No honey… I am no tyrant, haha." She continued laughing. Maya now understood what just took place and started blushing in shyness. "Well then, Snoopy is a dog's name and I am not sorry for it!" She murmured. The son and mother duo bursted out laughing again hearing Maya murmuring. Maya took the kitten inside and left the conversation.

"Do you think she is gonna be angry now?" Stella asked Arya. "Well, I don't think she will show it as she is not good at expressing herself in informal circumstances." Arya told.

"Hmm, now it does seem like my boy knows much about his wife. Someone was not willing to get married earlier, Ahem!" Stella giggled.

"Mom, it's just an observation I did, I…I know nothing, absolutely nothing about her." Arya responded and blushed.

"Both of you are so quick in getting embarrassed, my God!" Stella remarked and put her hand on her forehead.

"I will just go and… " Arya couldn't complete.

"Check her out, go do that! " Stella interrupted. "No, no mom. I will just go and do some of my pending work" Said Arya and hurriedly left.

"I am so happy for both of you!" Stella thought to herself. Arya went inside his room and looked for Maya. She wasn't there. The kitten was roaming on the floor. Arya checked their bathroom but she wasn't there too. "Oh no… " Arya murmured. He hurried and checked the kitchen. "This girl is gone again! But this time I think I know where she is!" Arya murmured.

Arya took out Stella's car from the garage and drove straight to the Lake. The sun was already to set. It was very windy outside. The weather had suddenly taken a toll. "Seems like it's about to rain, " Arya thought. Arya was driving fast and suddenly he spotted Maya. She was still away from the Lake but was walking very fast towards it. "Maya wait!" Arya screamed from his car while driving. Maya didn't seem to care at all. She continued walking fast. "Maya what's this? Stop, Just stop!" Arya shouted. Seemed like all efforts went to deaf ears as Maya was not bothered at all. Arya was furious. He drove his car faster, took a turn and stopped it right in front of her. It was a filmy move but his mood wasn't filmy after all.

He came out of his car, all furious and walked up to her. "What's with you huh? What is it? Don't you get it? Stella was just joking," Arya said. "Why do you keep on going to the Lake?" Arya asked Maya. Maya was not giving any reaction as if she was possessed. Arya kept on going, "Just listen up, this Lake is not safe. Don't you know it already huh?" Maya was not even looking at him. Arya felt bizarre. He placed his hands on her shoulder and… she immediately fainted. Arya managed to save her from hitting the ground. She fell unconscious in his arms. "This?... I read about this somewhere!" Arya thought. He then picked her up and took to the car.

He started driving the car back home. "Yes! That book! I have read about this there, I have!" Arya recalled.

~City of Prix~

Alec is still confused. Their boss was snuggled with him in a parking lot. She was stressed and he was the reason for it. "Why did I even do this adventure? My job!" Alec cried inside. "Do I deserve so much hatred? I am just trying to do my best?" Wini cried, still holding Alec like that. Alec gave his ears to what his boss was murmuring while crying. "I have sacrificed my dear brother's marriage for this company. I have moved from my beloved city to work here. Don't I feel lonely? I do… I do… I very much do!" Wini cried like a baby. Alec was stunned at such a scene. That boss of theirs who stomps around the entire building without caring any gossip about her was now crying, like this. "What the hell did I do?" Alec thought. "M-Ma'am, I-I think we should leave this place, please, " Alec said and then whispered, "forgive me!"

"I am the bad boss! People now want to hurt me, I am the bad… " Wini continued whining until Alec put his finger over her lips. "Hush!" He said. Wini now looked at his face, her eyes were filled with tears. Alec also looked at her. Her face wasn't looking like usual. "Let me take you to your Car ma'am. I insist you to let me drive," Alec said after a minute of staring at her face. Wini unwrapped herself from his chest. She started looking around the garage. It was dark. Wini was now embarrassed but too tired to express it or act to it. "Yes, just do it." She replied. "O-okay!" Alec couldn't believe things were going smoothly and Wini would agree to what he said after what he had done. He took her to the car and sat on the driving seat. They left the garage.