Angry Alex

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As Alex's voice thundered the room Mia freed herself from Kevin's embrace and ran out of the room, while Micheal sat on the king-sized chair twirling his cup of wine nonchalantly and Kevin just leaned on the wall anticipating Alex's next movement.

As Mia was running to her room the twins saw her and ran to her "Mommy, Mommy what happened?" Little Ran asked innocently "Go back to your rooms"She replied angrily "Wweeeeeeeeeennnn" Little Ren cried. She took them to her room and put them on the bed "If any of you makes any st***d sound again, I'll hi...."

*Knock knock*

She looked at the kids before approaching the door "Who's there" she asked "Well it's Kevin" she took a deep breath before opening the door as she opened it she saw Kevin and Micheal "Mia, we just came to tell you that we're not angry with you and *hands out his card* in case you need someone to talk to" Kevin said calmly "Okay thanks" she replied as calm as she could. Michael also handed his card to her saying they would be visiting from time to time.

She went over to her kids and hugged them tightly apologizing for scolding them. Deep down Mia was scared about what Alex might do to her. But he didn't even react, it was more like he was ignoring her. Days passed and the attitude continued, Mia even stopped coming down for food because of the tension that's always in the atmosphere around them, but one day she decided to meet him "Alex, I want to go home.....

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