
"Well, isn't this cozy?" Peter's voice floated into my ears. I grimaced into my pillow and willed him to disappear, silently. "I wonder what you would do, if I were to post pictures of your little sleepover online. Who knew that Jackson was such a cuddler?" He kept talking. There was a collective groan from all of us. I sat up, in time to see Lydia flip him off and fix Peter with an icy glare.

"Pedowolf," I reminded Peter. His smirk just stayed in place, but he pocketed his phone.

"Seriously, boundaries," Stiles added.

"I know I'm hot, but seriously. This is crossing a line. You can see my face at a decent hour." Jackson quipped.

"Who said it was yours that I wanted to see?" Peter asked him. Jackson just smirked.

"Please, look at me. Who doesn't want to see me?"

"Derek thought that you might want to see the first part of the dead-pool. He made copies for all of you. He also wanted to speak to our resident banshee." Peter told us.

"Get out, Peter. I'll speak with Derek, but I'd rather not be forced to see you first thing in the morning." Lydia breathed, coolly. Peter just smirked and left the room.

"Go talk to Derek. We'll meet up with you." I told her, putting a hand on her shoulder. She nodded and got up and left the room. Jackson followed her, shutting the door behind him.

I turned to Stiles when I realized that we were alone. I smiled when I caught him looking at me. He grinned back.

He cupped my cheek and touched his lips to mine. I felt the air around us change and surge. I felt the familiar crack of electricity. Stiles moved a hand on my side and under my shirt, gently gripping my side. He moved on top of me and I melted into the kiss. He parted my lips with his tongue and deepened our kiss. I pressed myself closer to him. Stiles reached underneath me and cupped my ass. I maneuvered myself on top of him and took the lead.

He moved his mouth off of mine and struggled to breathe. I started kissing and sucking on his neck. He groaned and gripped me, tighter. He pressed his lips to mine and fused our mouths together. I kissed him greedily. He kissed me back, like our lives depended on it.

With every move, it felt like I was becoming more and more alive. All of my senses feel heightened. I feel supercharged. I feel like I can fly, right now.

Stiles dug his fingers into my back, underneath my shirt. He sucked my earlobe into his mouth and scraped it with his teeth. I groaned and arched my back. My hips gave an involuntary thrust. I know that we should slow down, but this feels amazing and I can't remember the last time I wanted someone this much.

"Guys," someone cleared his throat. "Derek wants to see you downstairs." A very nervous sounding Scott said from behind us. I pulled away from Stiles, just a hair, and looked at him, panting. Stiles looked just as flushed as I felt.

"We'll be down in a minute, Buddy." Stiles rasped. I looked behind me and saw Scott, but he made no effort to move.

"Is there something else?" I breathed. I tried to ignore how wrecked I sounded.

"You, um… You're floating." Scott said, gesturing to us. I looked at him confused, before looking down. Sure enough, we were about a foot off of the bed. Stiles looked at me for answers that I didn't have. I heard the door close, and I knew that Scott must have left.

"Is this… Is this part of our connection?" Stiles asked me. I shrugged.

"It might be." I told him, truthfully.

"Have you ever done this before?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"No, but I've done it to other things." I replied. He nodded. "With everything that's been going on… I haven't had time to find anything out. My contacts have been busy dealing with this damn dead-pool." I explained. Stiles nodded and licked his bottom lip.

"How do we get down?" He asked me.

"We concentrate."

Stiles held my hand as we walked downstairs. I concentrated on my feet and not meeting everyone's knowing gazes.

"Let's see the list." Stiles broke the silence. Derek motioned us over the dining room table. I skimmed the list and looked for names that I knew.

'Scott McCall

Niklaus Mikaelson

Dean Winchester

Bonnie Bennett

Sam Winchester

Kol Mikaelson

Derek Hale

Rebekah Mikaelson

Bobby Singer

Elijah Mikaelson

Kira Yukimura

Jackson Whittemore

Isaac Lahey'

In addition to the names that I recognized, there were twice as many names that I didn't. The order of the names determined the bounty on our heads. It made my blood run cold. Why is my name so high?

"These aren't all of the names. Are they?" I asked quietly.

"No, those are only a third of them," Lydia answered. "For all I know, the rest of us are on that list." She added.

"Does that mean the bounty on your heads will be less?" I guessed. She shrugged.

"It could be just as much if the list starts over on the other two." She said.

"We're not going to be safe until we find out who is behind this and we stop them." I breathed.

"I know what this seems like. I know that it's been one thing after another, but I'm telling you all that we are stronger than this. We've been stronger through this. We're going to find whoever put the hit on us, and then we're going to put him or her on our list. Whoever comes against us, will be on that list. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of people coming into our town and trying to push us around." Derek proclaimed.

"He's right. We're going to find whoever it is and we're going to make them pay. It isn't just our lives that we have to think about anymore. Our families, our friends, and their lives are in jeopardy now, too. I'm not letting my mom or anyone else die. I can't watch anyone else die." Scott spoke up.

"Maybe you won't have to," Deaton said, walking into the house. "Help is coming."