Big and cool

He went inside and washed his hands, then climbed up the wall, stood on the earth wall and held onto the rafters, and darted up so that he was half on top of the house.

Chen Chu stepped on the roof, and a cool wind blew through him. Chen Chu's whole body was cool.

It's cool to be up there!

But Chen Chu is drunk Weng's meaning is not wine.

Squinting eyes, Liu2 Cui home toilet look, a look under the happy almost call out.

I can see everything in the toilet. It's much better than looking through the cracks in the glass. It's much clearer.

The countryside was made of mud and brick houses, with no buildings, so no one could see him on the roof.

Of course, the more important thing is that this guy has been hidden in the grass, he first pulled out the tall grass in the middle of the house, people hidden in the grass, feeling OK, then jumped down from the house to find a pole up the sunflower, commonly known as' hairy shell pole ', again on the new roof.

So lie prone in the grass, then stretch out a long 'hairy shell rod', the grass waves do a gap, can clearly see the scene of Liu Cui home toilet.

At this time, a dark shadow walked toward the toilet, Chen Chu Gang a excited, fixed eye is Sun five his mother, the old lady more than 60.

He almost vomited, then closed his eyes and turned to lie in the grass, feeling sick.



Unexpectedly her old lady came out, this old lady always dressed in black, as if attending a funeral.

Chen Chu felt that if you look at her buttocks, nausea for six months, this life can not lift again.

After about five minutes, Chen Chu slowly raised his head and saw that the old lady was gone. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Fiddle with the grass twice, see a little girl scampered over.

It was Liu Cui's daughter Sun Ying.

This wench hair is eleven years old, the head grows not small, can have one meter 45.

The child ran fast. Before Chen Chu knew it, the girl had dropped her pants and squatted down to urinate.

"Holy shit! Chen Chu cursed and just wanted to turn his head, when the girl hailed and shouted: "Sister Juna, the toilet is here!"

Chen Chu head dizzy, an instant rush of blood on the top of the head.

What is Juna doing here?

And Sun Ying called the toilet over here. Is Juna going to pee, too?

Not as much as he thought, Juna had passed.

Chen Chu became nervous and lowered himself as low as possible. His breathing became rapid.

She rubbed her bangs on her forehead and walked to the toilet. She looked around unconsciously and saw Sun Ying squatting to pee. Her hands were also on the waistband of her trousers.

Juna was wearing white gym shorts that were tight on her thighs and hips, and the acupoints in the middle of her thighs were obvious.

She slowly unbuttoned the top of her sweatpants, and Chen Chu's hand also followed him into the crotch, the guy inside was loaded with bullets, already stiffed. And began to twitch.

And uh uh a little heavy breathing.

Her fingers were long and white as jade. As she unfastened her shiny trousers and began to take off her trousers, her eyes suddenly turned to Chen Chu.

Chen Chu was so frightened that he shrank his neck, thinking that Juna would not find him.

A gust of wind, blades of grass clattering.

Juna half unbuckled her trousers and tied them again.

"What's the matter, Sister Juna? Didn't you just say you had to pee? Why don't you pee?"

"No, no..."

Juna tied up her trousers. He walked a few steps to the Sun's yard.

At this time, Sun Five came out, hey hey a smile said: "Oh, you this girl why also so polite, come, also take what egg?"

Her face flushed and her voice hoarse, she said, "Uncle Sun Wu, I heard you hurt your arm. My parents asked me to send you some eggs to mend it..."

"Said Juna, handing out the plastic bag.

Sun Wu took the plastic bag and said with a smile: "Just come in, come in and sit down for a while, your parents are really polite, hey hey..."

"No, Uncle Sun, I have to go home and do my homework."

'said Juna, turning away.

She walked, round buttocks a warped a warped, see the roof of Chen Chu straight drool.

However, he also saw below the Sun Five eyes also straight hook.

Chen Chu understood that it was not Juna who had just found him. Who had nothing to do with looking on the roof? Besides, he could not find anything.

But she saw Sun Five this boy lying on the window to see her pee! I fuck your mother's son! I would have seen Juna if you hadn't messed with me! You're fucking with Juna's big white ass! Chen Chu cursed Sun five not to Germany.

If he didn't have the moral decency to watch Juna pee, then he would have seen it...

Sun Wu this bastard, has a beautiful wife at home, still miss other people's big girl, is really SAO Bao a.

He is a thirty-seven eight married man to hit a seventeen year-old girl's idea should not, Lao Tze hit Juna's idea is almost the same, Lao Tze can not help but to hit Juna, but also on your wife Liu Cui...

Chen Chu thought of this, pulled out two grass, inadvertently skimmed a glance is the toilet of Sun Ying, the little girl buttocks also quite white.

And Sun Five ran to the gate, still looking at the back of Juna, also smashes his mouth, a pair of reluctant to part.

The slightest did not pay attention to the wife Liu Cui already walked behind him, in his buttock kicked a foot.

"What are you looking at?

"Ouch! Hey, hey, what am I looking at? You've been a bitch for three days. Dare you kick me?" Sun Wu recovered his mind and shouted at Liu Cui.

'Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. Stop trying and go back to your room!'

"What am I thinking? What do you see? Bitch's got nothing to eat, and my arm's still hurting! Don't be angry with me!" Sun Five not good spirit say that finish the big step meteor back to the house.

"Dad, I want ice cream!" Sun Ying pulls up her pants and runs after Sun Wu.

"Don't mind your mother! Where do I have the money?"


Liu Cui stood at the gate stunned and sighed.

Then he walked to the toilet.

In the heart some jam panic, Sun Cui is not like before the toilet around the check, came to the earth inside the toilet, untie the pants squatted down.

Chen Chu only saw a flash of red underwear, and then saw Liu Cui's big bare buttocks.

My eyes straightened up.

It was bigger than he had expected, and only one side, seen through a crack in the glass yesterday, seemed wheat-colored and firm.

Today Sun Cui is like squatting under his eyelids, the big buttock that rolls round is some snow-white, resemble millstone same circle.

Look down from above, two buttock flap clear let Chen Chu almost nosebleed, and that deep buttock groove also see very clearly. Chen Chu's guy couldn't have a bigger ass.

His hand in the crotch began to twitch, imagine his guy is Liu2 Cui's inside the groove to pull out and push, and both hands embrace her two buttock flap, the impact of force...


His mouth was dry and his nostrils were blowing hot air.

A rush of excitement hit his nerves.

It's like not lying on the grass, but climbing on Liu Cui.

His mouth shout of wheezing, endure rough voice way: "Liu Cui, I want you, I am on you, your man is not good to you, I am good to you, you are me, I will be good on you, good, on you..."

Almost as he reached his climax, Liu Cui stood up, but instead of immediately pulling up her pants, she played with them a few times.

Chen Chu saw a long, narrow, dark fuzz, which fluctuated with Liu Cui's hands. The fluid from his crotch almost came out.

Liu Cui's little hands went down and touched it twice. Chen Chu felt that there was a wrinkled piece of skin underneath the fine hair. He could not see it carefully, but Liu Cui's fingers seemed to be sticking into it.

The expression on Liu Cui's face seemed to be intoxicated.

It took Liu Cui a few times to pull the finger out. Chen Chu knew Liu Cui was about to fasten his pants.

His hands were moving faster and faster, his eyes fixed on the wrinkled flesh under the down, and the crotch shot out at last.

And Liu Cui wiped her hands with toilet paper almost at the same time and tied her pants.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

Finally staring at the black fuzz, Chen Chu groaned twice comfortably.

Then he turned over and fell back on the grass. His hands were sticky and he rubbed himself against the grass.

I lost a lot of my lust.

After gasping for breath, an even bolder idea reverberated through Chen Chu's mind.

The roof of the grass is always pulling out, that can't let yourself back, how can I be close close Liu Cui home toilet, see Liu Cui big butt is more clear, look at her hair and more working hard, and the size of the slap meat meat between the two legs, this distance or see not too clear, if the distance is one or two meters, see clear, rolled up will certainly be more enjoyable.

What method to think again later can Liu Cui go up?

It is said that 30 is like a Wolf and 40 is like a tiger. According to Liu Cui, it can be sure that Sun Wu has not been on her for a long time.

She must be itching down there. Would she be comfortable if he fucked her right now? Will be willing to accept?

The first time Chen Chu saw a woman's thing, all he could think about was a bucket of paste.

He said to himself, is this a woman? Is that what women are? All a man has to do is stuff his stuff into that crumpled pile of flesh, and that's it?

He thought the wrinkled flesh was sexier. He wanted to caress and lick.

Women have given birth to children, the lower part of the loose many, especially normal production, the lower more loose.

There's no way a rural woman in '98 is going to go to the city in style and get a vaginal tightening operation.

People spit on the things they do.

At least Liu Cui won't do it.

Because of this, the meat on the outside is looser, and the barrier around the 13 is thicker and looks like a pile of wrinkled meat when not moved.