Old hooligan little hooligan

That's what the textbook says.

But the teacher never told them these things, a few male students all day with the book, pointing to these paragraphs laughing. And the smile is very sly.

Chen Chu never understood what pubic hair and armpit hair were.

Asked his dad once, and his dad almost beat him up, which made him a little confused to this day.

He doesn't know what pubic hair and armpit hair are.

Thought it was the same as hair on his body.

And he's kind of confused about the difference between a woman and a man.

Several times he heard Old Zhang Tou say that women's tits were big. He felt his chest and thought how ugly it would be if women's tits were that big. It's nice to be flat like a man.

And when a woman marries a man, does it really mean sticking a ghost head between her legs?

Does that count as hooliganism? Should a woman and a man get married and go to bed naked? Can you be ashamed if you're naked?

These questions have been haunting him for a long time.

However, he had a positive desire to sleep with women naked.


Seeing Liu Cui's buttock, he wanted to masturbate very much, but he was embarrassed to ask old Zhang about these problems. It was difficult for him to say anything, and he was even more afraid of jokes. Therefore, when old Zhang told him these things, he always pretended to know a lot.

Now, Pan Feng and Xu Guozhong are both naked, and Xu Guozhong has put his ghost head between Pan Feng's legs 13. It started to stir.

Chen Chu also followed the imitation, the brain is like a blast, like the discovery of a new continent, finally understand the original woman and man is so a responsibility.

But why don't you push it forward? Why do you pull it back and push it forward? All the way up.

Chen Chugan looked at these questions for a long time. Some of them were clear and some were confused.

"The dead! Go ahead! I'm wearing a ring! It's okay! Hurry up! When my daughter comes home from the juggling, I have to finish cooking first!"

"Oh, at once, at once! Xu Guozhong said so, but in his heart, he still wanted to work a little longer. After all, twenty yuan had been spent, and the money could not be spent in vain.

It was 1998, and twenty dollars was not cheap as it is now. You could have a good meal in a restaurant.

Of course, Xu Guozhong would not give up money to play so every day. His hands patted Pan Feng's big ass. Pan Feng also followed the wave and called.

This wave is more coquettish than just groan, also enchanted.

Chen Chu was only twitching a few times, did not expect or not to hold back, was called by the waves to get shot out.

Shoot shoot, Chen Chu to Pan Feng put down the happy shot!

Xu Guozhong wants to resist, but Pan Feng's bottom suddenly shrinks, he oh ah ah! "Followed by a few cries.

Finally, the buttocks thrust forward.

The whole person was wheezing on top of Pan Feng.

They maintained this posture for more than half a minute, Pan Fengxian reached out a push, the strong Xu Guozhong was easily pushed down.

The creature sat wheezing in the grass beside the little tree, resting.

Pan Feng picked up the white mesh underwear and clothes.

"Sister, chicken son sister, we all said good, don't finish the walk ah! Talk to me for a while!" Xu Guozhong reached out to pull her.

"Talk nonsense! You think this is a good thing! If anyone had seen it, it would have been all over the village in an afternoon, and the dead ladies wouldn't have said anything about us!" Pan Feng took out a pink toilet paper and wiped the tuft of black hairs between her thighs. She dug into it again, dried it, and threw it on the ground.

Then he put on his trousers and yellow rubber shoes and kicked the earth a few times to bury the paper.

Xu Guozhong was behind her and swallowed at her round ass.

"Sister, you do not do this idiotic, originally, originally I can do for a while, you use 13 clip me..."

"How dare you tell me that? You don't shoot when you're gonna shoot, you pull back. You know what I mean? Old niang don't clip you, you want to and old niang ink to dark ah! And your fucking twenty dollars ain't got gold in them..." Pan Feng was already dressed. They were about to leave.

Xu Guozhong felt his 20 yuan spent a little injustice.


"That YOU LATER LOVE TO SEEK WHO GO ~! Don't look for me!" Pan Feng simply ignored him and disappeared directly into the corn field.


"Mama of! I didn't eat that either! Dead women don't say cook for me to take a bite."

Scold over, the feeling is not satisfied, by the way broke off next to the two sticks of corn Chuai into the bosom.



Xu Guozhong mumbled, also got into the corn and left.

The speaker has no intention and the listener has a heart.

Xu Guozhong finished walking, the corn field also climbed a Chen Chu.

Liu He is also his classmate, and he started the third year.

In the middle school, there were more than three hundred students from seven or eight villages. Juna and Yanaghe are top beauties.

Or, in Chen Chu's mind, none of the girls in the school could surpass them.

Both men were equal in their merits.

She is about the same size, all of whom are 1.65 meters tall, while Juna is a little whiter and younger than Liuhe.

Liuhe was more beautiful than Juna's voice, a little bit thinner waist, a little more round buttocks.

They were good friends.

Chen Chu had dreamed and fantasized that he would put his left arm around Juna and his right arm around Liu He, and the three of them would sleep in the same bed. I've never been happier in my life.

After the summer vacation, Chen Chu found that his ghost head was more and more black, but also grew seven or eight hair out, and the hand is always itching to masturbate, always fantasizing about women masturbate.

At the beginning, I fantasized about Liuhe and Juna.

It's so nice to get rid of all that stuff.

But during the summer vacation, the woman he saw most was Liu Cui, and Liu Cui had something in her that Zhu Na and Liu He did not.

He didn't know what it was, but it was something that seduced him, something he could not get out of.

So, from that day on, he always peeked at Liu Cui from the window.

To later courage more and more big, peek at Liu Cui urinate.

And today so close discovery Liu Cui is touching oneself and pull oneself, and had peeked to Xu Guozhong and Pan Feng two people are doing now.

As soon as Xu Guozhong mentioned Liu He, Chen Chu remembered it.

Half a head higher than his Liuhe appearance seems to appear in front of him, he has also observed Liuhe buttocks, round, up, of course, is a distance to see, he has been very self-abased.

For example, when I see beautiful girls like Juna and Liu He, my face will be red, and I dare not look at them directly, let alone talk to them.

"LiuHe..." Chen Chu read a way, also stretched out his hand to break two corn kick into the arms.

Thinking, this is Liu he home corn. I feel like eating her taste like Yanagawa.

"I have to go to old MAN Zhang tonight and ask this woman about the water flowing under her legs. In addition, the size of the Hong boxing practice almost, I have to let him teach some other..."

Chen Chu returned home, lit a fire in the stove pit and roasted the corn until it turned brown.

Chen Chu nibbled at it.

In the mind, this Liuhe home is tender corn ah! Just like Yanagi herself.

In fact, who's corn this season are the same, but Liu He himself delicate and beautiful, home corn also follow the taste up.

After eating the corn, Chen Chu wiped his mouth. Lay down on the kang ready to sleep.

After a couple of handstrokes, he's not so horny about women now. It was not until he had slept for more than two hours and it was a little cooler that he got up in a sweat.

It was too far to the west, burning red against the clouds on the horizon.

He could not help recalling old Man Chang's old saying.

"POTS for killing pigs, doors on temples, crotches of big girls, clouds of fire..."

Singing along the way, Chen Chu went straight to old Zhang.

The jugglers had all come back, laughing and talking about the scene in the trick.

Chen Chu didn't like to see it. Old Man Zhang had said that all the tricks were fake.

Trick is also juggling, a kind of folk show, those who split bricks, throat to the point of a gun, and eat glass stubble, very few real kung fu. It's all a trick or a diversion or something.

It's amazing for the average person to see it, but if you know the little secret, it's like that, you can do it, too.


Old man Zhang was not originally from this village.

Three years ago, the old man rented a house here, lived for a while, felt ok, and bought it.

It was a one-room house, like a temple gate, in the north of the village, not far from the main party.

In those days, village committees were collectively called battalions.

When old man Zhang came, no one felt anything. Later, Widow Liu of the village said one night that the old man had watched her take a bath.

And after a night of tumult, the next day there was gossip.

Old Man Zhang explained that Widow Liu could not reach her back and wipe it, so he went to give her a hand.

The reputation of the old man's son spread from one to the next, and no one paid any attention to him, tried to avoid him like shit, and no one went to his cottage.

This is how old man Zhang spent most of the last three years. He loved to drink and once asked a passerby Chen Chu to buy wine for him.

Chen Chu saw that he was drunk, so he bought it. Other children would not go there.

After delivering the wine, old man Zhang patted him on the head and talked to him with a smile.

What Qiankun gossip, Qimen Dun Jia, dry under Kun, from even fire and so on. Chen Chu did not understand.

Old man Chen a little anxious, then out of a: "kill pig basin, temple door, big girl's crotch, fire cloud..."

Chen Chu understood.

Old Man Chen shook his head.

"You boy, I wanted to pass on all my kung fu to you, but you are interested in this thing, well, I can only pass you so little, perhaps that is the fate of it..."

Chen Chu knew that the old man was crazy all the time and didn't care what he said.