Welcome (1)

Feelings disappeared. There was no more despair, no more anger. No pain, no bitterness, not even the fear of death. None of this existed for me anymore. Only emptiness remained.

Choosing an option that I did not expect to see at all, I found myself someplace.

In a space where a normal person would not be able to survive, the universe appeared in front of my eyes. In space, where the stars colored the black sky, the various arcs of galaxies kept the balance in the form of a stunning picture. I froze.

A flash of electricity passed through my brain, allowing my eyes to see more clearly, and I began to think faster.

"Greetings.." - a whisper escaped from my lips, and as if I was speaking through a microphone, my voice carried across the whole cosmos.

[Welcome, Player A Jin!]

And after a few seconds, I was greeted by an inscription in the form of a game system.

The scene in front of me was the same as the night I tested the game.

Space, which was originally just a beautiful cover, attracts players with the help of a screensaver.

And an inscription with a greeting intended to familiarize with the world.

It's like all the events that happened before; how I ran away from monsters, and how I died, were just a prologue of the game.

[Magic Academy is a world full of magic and magic, where fantasies come true and dream become real, allowing you to plunge into as a student of the Magic Academy...]

Reading the letters in detail on the blue screen, I realized that this was not a dream or a nightmare. This is reality.

I won't be able to escape, or wake up from this, because I died, being in the screensaver of the game. But thinking about what happened to me before, I was glad.

I was happy that I didn't die. This feeling overwhelmed me so much that I was ready to explode in the form of fireworks.

Therefore, after reading the screensaver, I had no choice but to agree to the terms.

[Please start the game!]

I have to start the game.


As soon as these words came out of my mouth, I was thrown into a completely different place.

Landing on the fifth point, I thought it would hurt a little, but on the contrary, I felt the soft surface of something touching my ass.

Feeling the material, which looked like a mattress, I looked around.

A room with white walls that looked like marble, but if you touched them with your hands, they were just like marshmallows, just as soft and pleasant to the touch.

Looking around the room, I found nothing but the walls and some kind of statue.

Shuffling my feet, I got closer to this thing, which resembled a hologram.

And with every step, I realized that this was my future character.

Except, right now he looked like a blank sheet with no extra spots; hair, clothes, eyes, and so on.

[Please create your character]

The sound of the system penetrated my ears, forcing me to think about the following actions.

Looking at the white figure, I was thinking about what kind of character I should create.

The best choice would be to create with the "Magician" class, but being someone who has passed almost completely, there will be situations in the future in which this class is useless.

In addition to the magician, there are the same classes in the game as an assassin, swordsman, alchemist, doctor, and so on. Of course, they would not be useful in the magic academy, since most of the time is devoted to magic there.

And at the same time, thinking about my dream, where I always wanted to become a magician, my choice fell on a magician.

"I choose a Mage class"

With a joyful tone, holding my chin with my hand, I turned to the system.

[The player's desire is taken into account...]

[Search for available class...]

"Finally, I'm going to become a magician!" - I shouted into the unknown, where I was only surrounded by a white room. Like an echo, I heard my voice several times, realizing that the smile could not leave my face.

But by an unexpected turn of events, my dream was destroyed at the same moment.

[Access error!]

[Due to your past actions, you will be given a random character]

"Are you kidding me?!"

I got angry.

Rereading the notification on the blue screen, no matter how much I thought about it, I was lost in thought.

My expression changed to puzzlement, and my eyebrows went up.

[Hope you enjoy the game, player!]

After that, I was once again plunged into the unknown, as if the numbers began to capture my body, I turned into pixels, and then disappeared from the white room

Then, what happened to me this time was worse than the previous one.

"Damn, damn, damn..."

Repeating these words several times, I could not ask myself why I was in the ass again.

I was falling.

To be more precise, I was thrown out somewhere, and this is the sky.

That's right, I was falling from a blue sky.

The wind kissed my face, and the song of the dancing breeze was in my ears, hugging my eardrums, I could barely hear my voice.

The new body, which was created randomly, could not cope with the power of mother earth. I couldn't move, or somehow turn my body so that I could look around for the lake.

And for some reason my head was heavy. As if someone was pulling my hair from behind, I felt it fluttering in the wind, rushing into the sky.

You could have guessed that the fucking game gave me long hair without even making sure to tie it in a bun.

Every minute I fell, I looked calmer, fear never appeared on my face.

Perhaps by keeping my eyelids in hibernation, if I close my eyes for a while, I can survive.

Accompanied by this thought, I did so. Although with my eyes closed it looked like I was drowning in the abyss, I decided to wait for the moment when it all ends.

After all, this is not the end of the game.


There was a loud sound of falling, followed by splashes of water.

The water, like a mother, embraced me all over my body as if it protected me from death. But the pressure, which turned out to be the reason for the depth of the place where I was, sucked me down deeper and deeper.

Feeling the water blocking my respiratory systems, I felt a heaviness near my lungs, forcing me to breathe through them harder.

Therefore, starting to move my hands like a penguin crawling on ice, I headed up so as not to drown in the water.

After a few seconds, my head and half of my body were on the surface of the water, and then, I was immediately greeted by a light breeze that helped me catch my breath.

When the blue sky hung over me with clouds floating everywhere, and the sun, which shone brightly, spread its arms over the sea, I looked around in various directions. Until some object appeared in my review. It was an island.

Looking closer, I realized that I could finally get out of this sea. Moving my arms and legs, I began to swim towards the line that connected the island to the sea.

And a few minutes later, I was already on land. Feeling the sand sticking to my back, I felt relieved, calmly inhaling the air.

"I survived..."

Not paying attention to the fact that I fell from the sky, and somehow survived by falling into the sea. Getting up from a recumbent position, I began to look around.

The ground of sand that crunched under my feet warmed my feet pleasantly. And the forest that led to the unknown ahead of me was filled with palm trees.

Other than that, nothing was interesting, or anything new that would catch my eye.

Apart from the fascinating sea, from which I got out earlier, where there is nothing more gentle than its quiet waves. And the water reflected the warm rays of the sun and blinded the eyes that were not accustomed to bright light.

"How beautiful...", I thought, watching the beautiful landscape.

Only, realizing the situation in which I was at the moment, I had to discard these thoughts.

The next thing I need to do is find a way out of this place.

And no matter how much I looked in different directions, I thought that maybe I was in danger outside of this beach.

"Where did this damn game take me?"

Even with my knowledge and experience, which I have collected for almost 15 years, I could not remember such a location in any way.

In any case, in the current situation, it was useless to worry about it.

First, I have to check my character.

Going to the edge of the sea, using the water as a mirror, I was able to see my reflection.

Long black hair that reached to his shoulders, although still wet after falling into the water, perfectly matched with coal-black eyes.

White skin without excess dirt, like marshmallows, and soft to the touch. And a child's face, which looked more like a sweetness than a manly one.

Looking at myself in the reflection, I was about 13 years old.

Randomly, the game gave me the body of a child.

"Here's a random one for you," I sighed, feeling another headache appear.

If I had the chance, I would choose the body of a teenager, not a child. After that, I would have a better chance of survival than with this body, with which I can only suck a baby bottle.

And while I was pondering these thoughts, a sound like a notification sounded in my ears.


[The "Map" is available to you]

After reading the message in front of me, I instinctively uttered the word.


Now I could see the surroundings of this beach in the form of a flying screen in a round shape.

As in the game, each player had a map with which he was guided around the world. Luck was on my side, probably, considering that I could use the card.

Looking closer, I noticed a certain path to some area. The screen showed a green dot as if to say: I have to get to this place.

From what I know, it was a good sign, because if it was a green dot, then it was considered a save point or something like that.

Taking a step, shuffling my feet, I headed for this point. At the same time watching the map where the red arrow was moving just like me, pointing at me.

With this, I could easily determine where I am and how many steps are left to my destination.

After that, realizing that I hadn't walked half the way, I silently closed my mouth and walked even faster.


"Ugh, ugh.."

I was sighing heavily.

Every sigh, which was accompanied by tired steps while I was getting to the green dot, made me feel annoyed.

"Why couldn't this game make it easier for me?"

From the very beginning, the game tested my nerves, which finished me off like nails against a wall.

And it was my fault.

The choice I made, was the choice that led me to such consequences.

"To hell with it!"

Since there was no way to return to the option of choice, in this situation I can only hope that it will not be worse.

When I got to the point where an old hut with destroyed planks was waiting for me, I assessed the area and the building.

The house was so old that even a breath of wind would break the structure. And the forest that surrounded the hut was a kind of protective barrier.

I also noticed an inscription next to the house. With the broken signboard, this place looked most like a lost temple.

After I finished looking at the house, I thought it would be a good place to stay for the first time.

But after I stepped towards the door, I gasped.

No, no.

I was surprised, not because there was a ruined house in front of me, but because my nose caught a strange smell.

A smell that I had never felt before entered my lungs. So much so that I almost started vomiting. Covering my nose and mouth with my hand, I focused my gaze on the hut.

And what I saw with my own eyes was something I didn't expect at all.

"It's impossible!"

An unknown figure came out of the door of the hut.

His soft boots echoed through the dead forest.

The leaves that crunched under his footsteps let me know that he was heading toward me.

Dressed in white clothes similar to those worn by martial artists, his gaze, full of mystery and power, is directed in my direction.

At the same time, when I was examining his appearance, an old man with a white beard and hair of the same color was already right in front of me.

Not noticing this, I gasped again and fell to the ground with my fifth point. This time the fall on the ass was heavy.

"Ho-ho. I can't believe I met such a child."

When I heard his voice, I started.

That strange voice, mixed with the confidence, courage, and dignity of a martial artist. A voice that surpassed the ordinariness of ordinary people.

This person is of a different level.

Swallowing, I asked him.

"What do you want from me, mister?"

Although I knew this character, it would be strange if I called his name right here. After all, for him, I was just a lost child who knew nothing about the world.

"Don't be afraid, boy. I won't hurt you," the old man said, stroking his beard.

'Don't be afraid, boy? Fuck you!'

Disappointed in my head, I could only answer myself in my thoughts.

If I didn't know his true intention, I would have believed him, but...

He wasn't a character you could trust at all.

And in this situation, when I could not find a way out, the sound rang in my ears again.


[The "Status Window" is available to you]

[Status Window]

Name: Jeon Josak

Age: 13

Sex: No sex

Title: No

Body type: ???

Talent: ???

Health: [100/100]

Mana: [-0/100]

Strength: F. Endurance: F. Durability: F

Dexterity: F. Luck: You are fucked by the world!

[Special Skills]

Skills: None.


Looking at the blue screen where I could see my statistics, there was only a storm in my head.

As if my thoughts were in the middle of a raging wave, I made only three conclusions.

Firstly, it's because of "???" in the physique and talent section, that the old man showed interest in me.

Secondly, my luck was insanely low, and even the system said that the world fucked me.

Third, it was something I didn't expect at all.

I didn't have a sex

Barely holding back tears, almost crying, I realized that I had lost my dignity as a man.

"Here's the worst welcome to the game"