Going to North

[A/N:The pairing is still undecided and after this the Andal Invasion would start and MC would even have good relationship with House of Gardner which is ancestor of Tully and Tyrell.]

Eragon after helping the Tribes and Slaves to settle in,these people were amazed by what they saw.Also it too dome time for the conditioned Slaves to get back to normal,but the tribes were taught by the Elves who were patient and understanding of there troubles,these people would go on to live with other Race of men.(Numenorian's).

Eragon was now looking through the paperwork he had,it seems more people tried to reach Middle Earth after meet with the Trading deal with Sanor.But seeing all of them never go to the shores it was pretty sure Ulmo had sensed hostile intent and because of this no one was able to reach them through the sea route unless they have Dragon.

Eragon would soon set sail to Westros,to find another group which was Firstmen or Northmen.

Eragon soon set sail for Westros,where he would find pirates invading the fishing village in White Knife.Eragon and his men entered the fight to stop the raid,the battle was much easy as the pirates were disorganized and again Eragon's men it was blood bath all of them were killed and village was saved.

House Stark of Winterfell gradually establishes more and more control over the rest of the North, so that in time they claim the title King in the North. Some other Northern Houses unite with them voluntarily, such as the warriors of House Umber. Another Stark won Bear Island back from the ironborn in a wrestling match, and gave it to House Mormont to rule. Another Stark king warred with the Marsh King of the Crannogmen to the south, and after their defeat married the last Marsh King's daughter to cement the North's annexation of the Neck. The Starks' great rivals were the second most powerful House in the North, House Bolton. 

Toric Stark arrived with his group,but seeing the raid had ended Toric was confused and talking

Now Toric Stark Lord stared across the makeshift camp at the one who'd apparently saved the village. The people was an enigma. First, there was the fact that they defeated a group of Pirates easily and, a fact that Toric was still trying to come to terms with. And these people didn't anything in exchange,which had earned Toric's gratitude. But even still, there was something almost...off about them apparently.

Toric Stark just couldn't put his finger on.After finding what happened and sending others to verify that the pirates were apparently dealt with,

Toric had started asking the strangers a series of questions, trying to pry whatever information he could from the man without making it seem like he was interrogating him.The language was old tongue It is a coarse language, harsh and clanging.

Eragon was curious about Toric Stark unlike Eddard Stark,he didn't blindly trust someone and

the man was wolf blooded.

Toric was sure he wasn't part of any tribe of First man, that much was obvious to anyone.But Toric still found the armor and sword well made and way beyond anything he had seen,then there was there faces, which Toric could admit was enough so that many a women would swoon at the sight of him and maybe even men.

Toric had much potent blood of the First man,so he was able to sense something a miss and questioned"What are you?"

Olwe looked at his King,who just nodded and then they dropped their disguise magic,it shock Toric who almost went for his sword as Eragon explained "We are Elves of Middle Earth,we came here looking to Trade."

Toric seeing the other party was not hostile,slowly sat down.But he didn't let his guard down and questioned"Elves?"

The word was foreign for Toric,he thought they were more like the Children of the forest or along that lines,Eragon gave brief explaination of Elves and Dwarves living in Middle Earth,it was unbelievable,but he was still skeptical,so decided to send his younger brother Thorin Stark with select group to go with them and let's just on his return Thorin who retold magnificent buildings and beings that existed in the land,than made some of the Starks more interested,so an trade and alliance was formed,also the fisher village would

Interestingly with time Thorin would go one to Settle in Middle Earth,with his own people ,which was saddened his brother.But allowed it.