Chapter 10

On the western side of Slaver's Bay, a race of peaceful shepherds.Some of them were moving to volcanic region.

Eragon was watching all them from a distance,the Galadriel had told him to watch and wait for them to leave.So being curious Eragon used the same mind magic to read their mind,it grew interesting when Eragon found out this community of shepherds had specialty that was blood magic,but not all of them possed it.Interesting thing was just a week ago,the Leader's son Maevar Aertheon

had a dream of finding dragons or flying fire breathing lizards as he called it.

At first no one believed him,but his friend

Daevon Taelanyon and some others decided it wasn't going to hurt them,so joined him when he showed them the secret cave and finally the Dragons,it was like they were in some sort of hibernation state was shocking to them.

Eragon was even confused on why these Dragons were in hibernation and why is there so many.Also incidently today was an eclipse too.

Maevar had dream or get visions on how to do blood ritual to tame a dragon.The other shepherds who believed him.Maevar carefully went to sleeping Dragon by cutting his hand and pressing it on his head,he started chanting,which Eragon figured was Valyrian.

The method was a forcful blood binding ritual,it seems to bind the dragon to his bloodline.

The Dragon woke up and it actually followed the boys commands,but they soon noticed 9 other sleeping dragons and the same thing was done by his fellow shepards.

Eragon watching this was not shocked,he had already guessed that about the Valyrians.But the visions did cause him to be curious,so he asked"System are there really Gods other than Valar here?"

As Eragon remembered hearing about Valyrian gods.

System with same stoic tone replied"Yes,but they all exist in the spiritual plane and none of them can ever enter the physical plane,they can send visions and even lend some of their magic,but that is the best they can do."

Eragon hummed he was thoughtful and asked"Do they know about me?"

System with same tone replied"Impossible you are completely cloaked,they may recognize that someone is intervening in their business,but they wouldn't be able to tell who."

Eragon watched as Shepherds started using the dragon as mounts and slowly going back to village bragging about their triumph.

Eragon sighed and thought"Did they just leave,without searching the cave."

Eragon went inside,were he saw 20 dragon eggs there all in petrified state.

Eragon was not interested in the Valyrians anymore,but what Eragon didn't know was these boys Maevar and Daevon would become two score rival houses that contested for power in Valyria with other eight shepherds.The Valyrians would also received the ability to not burn from fire and use fire magic to an extent because of their blooding bonding with the Dragons.Thus making the words Fire and Blood sense.

The Valyrians would rise to prominence after discovering dragons in a volcanic area of their home peninsula known as the Fourteen Fires. After taming the mighty beasts.Once again with help of visions Maevar would find in the volcanic mountains of the Fourteen Fires contained vast mineral wealth; copper, tin, iron, gold, and silver were all found in great abundance.By s

using this new found wealth they would by the food of Dragons and Dragons would be used to forge massive quantities of iron into Valyrian steel, which was used to make not only weapons,by buying slaves they would also gigantic building projects.

While unknown to them was Eragon had got two blessing that would help him and others bond with Dragon in more easier manner.Which was blessing was Oromë Aldaron the Huntsman, the Lord of Forests and Blessing of Aiwendil the Tender of Beasts.

These blessing would ensure that the dragon would only hatch for the one destined to be its Rider.Also to ensure all dragons would meet their rider,the rider would get signs and visions.The Valar would make sure the Dragon doesn't get left out without a rider.

The Egg would call upon the rider destined for it and upon hatching, the young dragon would make contact with its Rider for the first time, leaving a mark, the gedwëy ignasia ("shining palm"), on the Dragon Rider's hand. A bond forms between the dragon and the Rider, which melds their minds on a basic level, binding them for life in the most enduring friendship that can possibly exist and endowing the Dragon Rider with magic. However, the bond can be strained.

These Dragons would grow with to unimaginable sizes based on who they are bonded to because of not being restricted and unlike their counterpart they would have much longer lifespans too.