Chapter 13

[A/N:Once again about complaining about the Characters having LOTR character names,The person complained seems to believe I gave MC Aragorn name,that is stupid the Eragon spelling is different(Eragon is a name from Inheritance Cycle. ]

In the training grounds of Gondolin,both Eragon and Fingolfin are sparing against each other.

Eragon was in his fighting stance and holding Sword,his eyes reflected in blade.The two men circle each other,then there swords clash in deadly dance,both sides giving it there all.

Fingolfin dodged and brings his Sword down in a Slashing Swing ...almost slashing across Eragon's back,but he was quick to move away.

Once again there

blades clash and lock,the two mans faces come together

as the Blades be.come entangled .

Fingolfin moves his arm in a counter-clockwise motion that

loosens the grip enough to break the lock,once again both sides start matching blow for blow till they both back off.

The spar ended with that,Finfolfin smiled and said"You have have now become a master swordsman."

Eragon gave Fingolfin a slight bow and said"I had really good teacher."

Fingolfin chuckled and as they are walking back to the main building,he asked"Have you heard the wars between the Ghiscari and Valyrian's have started?"

Eragon nodded and replied"Yes,it seems just like we thought both are going to fight each other for power and dominance over Essos."

Fingolfin nodded and replied"Ghiscari Empire,which is said to be one of the oldest civilizations in the known world, which ruled much of the continent of Esso.The other is a fairly younger now officially calles Valyrian Freehold,but they have the power of Dragons to easily fight the Ghiscari."

Eragon nodded and asked"The Valyrian Blades are getting famous for remaining sharp forever without the need for honing sharpness, Valyrian steel as it is called now,it is recognizable by its strength and light weight in comparison to ordinary steel, as well as by a distinctive rippled pattern visible in blades made from it."

Fingolfin smiled and replied"Even then it was easily cut through by our Elven or Dwarven blades."

Eragon nodded remembering when he first do the Elves and Dwarves a valyrian blade,it didn't take them long to find this blade of was made with Dragon fire and blood magic.The Valyrian steel was tested against Elven Blades and even some of Dwarven creation,the results were obvious.

But both sides did give there appreciation for the creator.

Every Elven or Dwarven blades were special,Fingolfins own sword Ringil glittered like ice.It's sharp and light and not something to trifled it with,Narsil a sword was forged by Dwarven-smith Telchar himself.Both are swords from the first age.

Eragon hummed and said"We might as well use this war to free some for the Slaves from Ghiscari Empire."

Fingolfin was entirely surprised by the idea,since this was easily possible.The Ghiscari would simply blame it on Valyrians because of there intense hatred.

Fingolfin added"The Mearas are mostly breeded by Aldaron's because for there blessing of Orome.But there was an incident with them."

Eragon looked at Fingolfin with curiosity ad Fingolfin continued"From what I have been told Yavanna came to meet the Mearas and she gave two of them some sort of Heart shaped plant and the two horses glowed a bit.But we the confusion is we check them for anything special,but there was none."

Eragon shook his head and replied"It probably some sort of blessing that we will come to understand anthe future."

Meara were a already breed of wild horses,that surpass normal horses in intelligence, speed and strength,but this special plant Yavanna give them a evolving trait.

In the Future it seems Yavanna blessing had am effect on the two horses one of them gave birth to a horse with eight legs and another was white winged horse.Both of them would become Eragons trusted Steeds.

The eight legged horse was named Sleipnir after odin's horse and is unnaturally fast.

The winged horse would be names Valkyrie and would have the ability to use their wings to fly.