Finrod and Legolas

While the Valyrian's were absorbing the Ghiscari territories.

Eragon who had gained quite huge number of SP summoned Finrod and Legolas.Legolas was given a batch of Sindar Elves.

Eragon did think of summoning Tauriel having had a crush on the women for a while.But decided against it for now,since he remembered Tauriel had romantic feelings for Kili.

Since almost all the elves or Dwarves who had wives were waiting for there other,it was heartbreaking to see.So he was able to summon Fingolfin,Olwe,Finarfin's,Durin and Telchar's wives.

Those that didn't like Legolas probably settle down with either elf or human.Since Valar are shown to bless humans,who have fallen in love with each other.But they do judge both to make sure this isn't deception by the humans to get immortality.Even then Elves seem to really reluctant to have a relationship with humans.

Eragon got along with Finrod and Legolas really easily,Finrod seems to be a lot easy going because he is not under lot of pressure to be the King,also with his father Finarfin and uncle Fingolfin still alive he didn't seem to be pressured to being the King of Noldor Elves.Also not having to worry about Melkor or Sauron made it less tense.

But he knew this land had it's own problems,the race of men here seems to have given themselves to greed and power.He wad saddened by it,but still saw many in there own land was peaceful.

Eragon had brought Finarfin with some of the SP, because he heard tales about Finarfin being considered fairest and wisest of the Finwe's son

who are Fëanor, Fingolfin, Finarfin, Írimë, and Findis.

Finarfin founded his own royal house known as "The Golden House Of Finarfin". Uniquely among the Ñoldor, he and his descendants had golden hair inherited from his Vanyarin mother Indis.

Now all three were in the forest of Mirkwood,which is were Legolas is starting to settle with his people.They are

with Finrod having challenged Legolas to challenge of Archery.

Legolas nocks an arrow, and fires the arrow streaks down and hits right in the centre on the target.

But that wasn't enough,with quickly taking another arrow from his quiver,nock it at lighting speed and then shoots the arrow and which hits the center of the target, splitting his previous arrow in half.

Legolas then just gave Finrod as smirk,as Finrod sulked and muttered"Yeah,you are amazing with a bow."

Finrod's eyes once again lit up and challenged"Now we try match of swordsmanship."

Eragon chuckled and said"You two really lighting up the place,since I am usually stuck with Fingolfin or Older,both are stuck with formalities and traditions."

Finrod and Legolas could understand after all the two elves are taught at young age on how to act around people and stuff.

Eragon seeing Finrod looking slightly melancholy asked"Thinking about your family?"

Finrod nodded and said"It was great to see my father again,so I am looking for ward seeing my family again."

Most of Elves and Dwarves are told or think that the Valar are going to bring back there loved ones,when the time is perfect.

Findrod looking at the sky thought"We will be together again Amarië."

While Legolas was the same muttered"I am looking forward to seeing my father and mother too."

Eragon remembered Legolas father Thranduil,but didn't remember his mother.

Legolas wanting to change the atmosphere said"Let's go back inside." so they are led over a bridge and into the Woodland Realm. After they pass through, Legolas addresses the guards of the gate."Holo in ennyn." basically "Close the gate"

Eragon looking around said"This place has peaceful atmosphere."

Legolas smiled and said"I am greatful to Lady Yavanna and Lord Aule for this."

Legolas could tell the place was more beautiful and had majestic feeling to it than his previous home.Eragon and are led through the raised wooden walkways of the Woodland Realm. The entire place is built out of tree roots in a subterranean cavern.