Aegon the Conquerer

As time went by Arwen grew close to Eragon and started a romantic relationship, Eragon had his own issues as,he was made by the systems to help create Valinor with everything from the first age,like the Two Trees, Laurelin (the Gold Tree) and Telperion (the Silver Tree).It was huge work and took a lot of time and effort. This was a shocking discovery for everyone from middle earth.

While this was happening in Westeros Aegon Targaryen came with his sister's wives Rhaeneys and Visenya. They were followed by their Dragons Balerion, Vhagar, and Meraxes. They started their conquest in Westeros.

Aegon Targaryen with Visenya and Rhaenys conquered Westerlands, Vale, Stormlands and Riverlands. Even the Reach, since Mern IX Gardener of the Reach, had strained his relationship with Middle Earth and Eragon after calling Eragon and Valar demons, since he was an avid follower of Faith of that seven. So having allied himself with King Loren I Lannister of the Rock in the climactic battle of the Conquest, which becomes known as the Field of Fire. All three dragons are unleashed in the same battle for the first and only time, and more than 4,000 men are burned alive by the dragons. The only one smart enough was Marius Tyrell, who ignored the call and still followed the Valar.

House of Gardener went extinct and Marius Tyrell was now the Lord of Reach. But now the problem was Dorne and North. Aegon was looking at the map with North marked with Direwolf on it as he said"This is going to end badly for us."

Orys Baratheon who was the bastard half-brother of Aegon questioned"What do you mean by that, Aegon?"

Visenya,who was standing next to Aegon.She possessed the classical Valyrian features: long, silver-gold hair, which was braided and purple eyes.She was considered a harsher, more austere beauty than her sister, Rhaenys a voluptuous, sensual, and passionate woman.

Vinsenya answered"What Aegon means is, The North has the support of Middle Earth which is the very powerful kingdom. In the past Valyria with more than 20 dragons tried to invade Middle Earth, the result was Valyria's complete defeat. One of the survivors was an ancestor of the Targaryen house. The dragons were completely shot down."

Orys was shocked while Visenya added, "In his records, our ancestor added the fact they had dragons bigger than any Dragon they had ever seen."

Orys was sure his brother was the only one with dragons after the Doom, but now he was hearing about another place other than Valyria that had dragons.

Aegon with a grim tone spoke up"Add to the fact there is mystical race living there,who are immortals. While I took it as a fairytale. But we have multiple witnesses from Marius Tyrell to Lord Tully who has seen men who don't seem to age."

Rhaenys questioned, "So what do we do?"

Aegon was thoughtful and answered"We will have to let one of their children marry into the family. Thus bringing them into our rule through marriage."

Visenya was not sure asked, "Are you sure,I am mean North never married someone outside of their land, especially with the Faith of Seven always demeaning their god Valar as evil."

Visenya found the Valar to be much better than Faith of the Seven, but again they needed support to conquer the land.

Aegon sighed and replied, "We will see how this goes."

A/N: Should the North become part of Targaryen's dynasty through marriage or be an independent kingdom?

1)Middle Earth can't be North's only ally and they could suffer from the Dragons because of another Targaryen king wanting to conquer them,I mean an army of Middle Earth can't reach North on a blink of an eye.