Aegon in Winterfell

Aegon,Visenya,Rhaenys with some of there trusted men were thundering across the forest on their horses.They were going to Winter fell to meet Torren Stark about about making an alliance or pact.

They slowed down to rest there horses,Aegon looked around from his horse,as Rhaenys muttered"Why couldn't we come on our dragons?"

Visenya slightly annoyed answered"Because that would send the wrong message,we want to make an alliance with them,rather than making them our enemy."

They soon wheel their horses around and thunder off towards Winterfell.When they arrived there was three people,he recognize all of them.

King Eragon of Middle Earth,Gandalf the Grey and King Torren Stark,who was lean, and tall, with a shaggy head of dark hair flecked with grey, and in a pale stern face a pair of keen grey eyes.He was wielding Stark family Ancestral sword Wolf Tooth.

Both Gandalf and Eragon gave small smile,while Torren Stark keeping fake smile said"Welcome to Winterfell."

Aegon could sense the atmosphere was slightly tense,so with smile replied"Yes,I have heard many things about the famous home of the Starks."

Torren nodded and guided them inside,while Visensya was slightly awed by the design of the place,she could tell the place was thriving.

Winterfell is a huge castle complex spanning several acres and protected by massive walls built in concentric circles, like the rings of a tree. First, the ringwall, then the outer circle.At the center of everything is Castle of Starks. The inside the outer circle is the is a village outside, the winter town.

Inside the walls, the complex is composed of dozens of courtyards and small open spaces. Weapons training and practice take place in those yards. Winterfell's towers and halls have diamond-shaped window panes.

Upon entering the castle Aegon,Rhaenys and Visenya could tell a warmth was surrounding them.Gandalf seeing this smiled and said"It is the natural hot springs. The water is piped through walls and chambers to heat them, making Winterfell more comfortable than other castles during the harsh northern winters."

Then they led to the meeting hall features a long table, a massive hearth with a wolf's head carved into the stone above it,all of them room there seats.

While Torren decided to be blunt an asked"So what does the Great Aegon the Conquer,want with a small King like me?"

Aegon hearing this chuckled,since he has not heard the blunt talk for while now.So he decided to be honest and replied"I want an alliance with your Kingdom by marriage either to my future daughter or granddaughter."

Torren Stark frowned and he could guess,his connection with Middle Earth is what made them choose this path.While Eragon was studying Aegon asked"There is something else isn't there,you didn't choose Westros on an whim,from what I understand Esso has pleading you to intervene in the Free Cities.You could have easily made the them follow you with your Dragons and Valyrian heritage,there was not need to please the people of Westros,who still see you as an outsider.There something more that made you come to Westros."

Aegon's eyes widened,same with Rhaenys and Visenya we're also slightly shocked.Aegon saw this was chance to come clean about his vision.

Aegon took a deep breath and and explained"You probably know about Daenys the Dreamer,who foresaw the Doom of Valyria."

Eragon,Torren and Gandalf nodded as Aegon continued"I also had vision of sorts,it was like

terrible winter, gusting out of the distant North, that would destroy the world of the living.It was white figure with glowing blue eyes."

This caused Torren,Eragon and Gandalf to understand what they were talking about.Torren slumped into this chair and muttered"So just like you said,Eragon the white walkers are going to come back."

Torren had taken Eragon request about White walker's seriously and had recruited people to guard the Wall.But a part of him,wished it was not real.The recruitment part was tough at first,but after Eragon proposed to give the people certain rewards like reduced tax and free entry for there children into the Tower of knowledge made the recruitment increase by a lot.

This caught Aegon,Rhaenys and Visenya's interest,since they seem to know what the threat.

Aegon asked"White walkers?"

Eragon answered" In that darkness the White Walkers came for the first time. They swept through cities and kingdoms, riding their dead horses, hunting with their packs of pale spiders big as hounds.Most think they are old story's to scare children,but they very much real."

Visenys now questioned"Why does everyone think they are myths now?"

Torren sighed and answered"Most of the history behind them were lost when the Andal invasion came and it didn't help many didn't have records of it.So the White Walkers have faded into legend over the centuries.People only knew it by story,which slowly became to be considered as a children story.The only ones who believe them to be real are the Starks became we have hand records from our ancestor Toric Stark."

Aegon looked at Rhaenys and Visenya,both of the. gave nod.So Aegon with small smile said"It seems we have a lot to talk about then."