New Chapter 35

But soon with the death of Rhaenys and Visenya Maegor went further into madness.It didn't

most of his wives died because of the continuous birth attempts or health failures.

This caused people began to whisper that Maegor was cursed, and that the gods would never grant him a living son. Maegor was angry at these rumors,so he decided to find a scapegoat,which led to to his wife Queen Tyanna being seized and delivered to the dungeons, where she was forced to make a fake confession about having poisoned both Alys's child as Jeyne's.But interesting thing was Maegor did have a two stillborn children.But none of them were his,out of all of his wives,4 of them had cheated on him with others.So the stillborn given birth were there attempts to get rid of the baby by poison,since they knew Maegor will kill them if he found out about this.

Eragon seeing how unhinged Maegor was getting was able to smuggle out Rhaena Targaryen,Viserys Targaryen

Jaehaerys Targaryen and Alysanne Targaryen out of Kingslanding and to North for safety.

While hearing this from his new master of Whispers.Maegor was angry, in his paranoid and madess.He blamed Aenys children and North for the death of his heirs,but this was not the only thing.Maegor for long time had an eye on the North and Dorne,which he considered a part of his Kingdom and wanted to conquer them to show he was better than his father Aegon.It seems every warning Visenya told him about the North went right over his head.

So riding Balerion and marching a huge army to North to conquer it.But what waited him there was army twice as huge as his and giant blackish blue scaled Dragon,larger than Balerion.

Acnologia gave roar that made the army step back and Balarion was cowed down by an alpha dragon,Balerion bowed his head in submission.

Maegor was angered by this and order "Enough!...I am your master and you will obey me."

Balerion huffed as if saying make me brat.Belerion only let Maegor fly him because of two reasons

1)The brat was the blood of Aegon his beloved rider.

2)The brat was stronger than the whiny one.

Now the Balerion regretted not choosing the youngest girl.

Maegor in his annoyance did the most stupidest the thing a man could ever do he started hiting Balerion with his sword but this only made Balerion more angry and with mighty roar,Belrion reared his two front feet up in the air causing Maegor to fall on thr ground and completely drenching himself in the mud.

While his army quickly ran away leaving there poor King behind.Eragon sighed muttered "Just like Visenya said,he has no loyal servants or friends to back him."

As Maegor got up,he glared at Eragon and yelled"I will burn you and everything you love."

Eragon frowned and said"Look here brat,I was there when your ancestors the Valyrian's were just shepards,I was there when there whole empireof Valyria was doomed into nothing but ashes and I will be there when the last son's of Valyria are nothing,but ashes and memory."

After all this time Maegor's mind rebooted and started working again.As Maegor gulped as if he was now standing infront of someone he shouldn't have angered.

Eragon ordered one of the soldiers"Take him to throw wall,we will keep him prisoner till the end of his days.:

Eragon decided to keep him alive,but announced the King Maegor died from the fall.He was pretty sure either Viserys or Jaehaerys will take the throne.