Chapter after Council meeting

Eragon was with Rhaenyra,who was happy to tell him about his studies with Gandalf"It is great and all,but sometimes it gets boring."

Eragon understood where she was coming from,while Rhaenyra continued"Also Alicent has been coming around lately."

Rhaenyra was not a full having mentored by Eragon and Gandalf,she picked up the fact Alicent was just a pawn in her father's game to get close to Targaryen family.After all he did the something with Jaehaerys,when the man was not well and even her father danced to his tune.

Rhaenyra knew the only one who didn't was her Uncle Daemon,but that even brought issues like the Otto Hightower has been trying to go against her uncle in every turn.

Rhaenyra looked at Eragon and said"Allicent has been asking a lot of questions lately,if I like someone or not."

Rhaenyra was slightly guarded about this,because she was pretty sure Alicent would go tell her father about this.She couldn't technically blame Alicent,since the girl is pretty much just a pawn for her father.The poor girl wouldn't even know she is being used as spy by her own father,after all subtle questions here and their by Otto about what they did would be enough to make Alicent tell about what they discussed.

Eragon hummed and thought"Chances are rumors would spread about Rhaenyra,if she ever become a threat to Otto's ambitions,just like there are rumors about Daemon spreading a lot."

Eragon decided to change topic asked"I heard your Uncle is really bringing down thr crime rate in Kingslanding."

Rhaenyra nodded and replied"He is,but his methods could be considered slightly extreme."

Eragon slightly agreed with her and replied"But you have to remember all the lords are coming to see Heir's Tournament,so should something happen everything will fall on your father's head.So Daemon is doing the best to make sure nothing happens."

But Eragon was sure Otto was going to make an issue of this by calling a council meeting soon.

Rhaenyra agreed and asked"Also have you heard of Uncle Daemon's wife....I mean she rarely visits him and my Uncle rarely goes to Vale."

Eragon sighed and replied"Your Uncle and his wife Rhea Royce doesn't get along.They have issues and from what I understand Daemon is trying to recind there marriage,which she is against it."

Rhea Royce was married to Daemon for while now,it was obvious both hates each other and expect for Viserys everyone could see this,Visery seem to be under the impression that if Daemon puts effort into the relationship everything will workout.

Also Daemon always called Rhea a bronze bitch,which was mainly because Rhea was found cheating with knight and Daemon decided do the same by taking aprostitute and slave named Mysaria to be his lover.

Mysaria is a brothel proprietor, information broker, and Under the alias White Worm, she leads a network of spies and informants active in King's Landing.

Eragon could understand why Rhea or her family didn't want to recind the marriage after all Daemon was still a prince with a lot of influence and it also didn't help the fact they didn't even consummate there marriage,as both disliked each other.

Rhaenyra only met Rhea a couple of times and in those meetings,she found Rhea to me too much of stick in the mud.