Chapter 66

Eragon, Rhaenyra and Arwen we're walking through the busy streets of New Valyria, the whole whole place was thriving.While at the same time Five Kingdoms were keeping themselves a float after Viserys II took the throne.Viserys was able to bring back some semblance of control after a lot og hardwork.

Eragon asked"I am guessing you gave him some support?"

Rhaenyra nodded and replied"I can't let what my ancestors built be completely destroyed some idiot.But this the only thing I would provide him with."

What Rhaenyra didn't know that was this particular sentiment would die out as she would see similar idiots pop up multiple times in history and with each time she will further and further distance herself away from them.

Arwen then spoke up"Are bringing some of them visit here perhaps?"

Rhaenyra was thoughtful and replied"Maybe just Viserys and probably Jaehaerys daughters Rhaena and Baela."

As time went on Eragon was more focused on Middle Earth and Rhanyra with New Valyria.While Five Kingdoms did quite well on there own,but they never reached the previous wealth and heights.

But once again things started as Viserys was a bit blind and favoured his Aegon IV more than his other children,even though both Aemon proved to be gifted warrior and Naerys proved to be gifted in politcial field.

But Viserys ignored all this and made his successor Aegon IV Targaryen, who would later be known as Aegon the Unworthy, was the. eleventh Targaryen to sit the Iron Throne, and is considered to be one of the worst Targaryen kings.

He sired numerous  bastards and let's just say he was probaly the second coming of Baelor, if not for Naerys countering or manipulating his decisions.

Which helped the Kingdom in long run, but 170 AC that year, Princess DaenaTargaryen gives birth to Daemon Waters, her bastard son by Aegon IV Targaryen.

At the same time Naerys with her husband gave birth for the first time, to a son named Daeron.

While Daemon waters was raised in the Red Keep and was taught arms by Ser Quentyn Ball, the master-at-arms at the Red Keep,when he was twelve years old, Daemon participated in a squire's tourney, which he won.

 Aegon Targaryen personally knighted Daemon and publicly bestowed the Targaryen Valyrian steel sword Blackfyre on him,finally acknowledging him as his son.There were some who felt that the sword symbolized the monarchy as it had been the sword of King Aegon I Targaryen, the Conqueror, and had been passed on from king to king ever since.But that was quickly squashed,when Naeyrs pointed out Aemon was the used the sword too before Aegon IV became king.

This was mainly Naerys had doubts about some of the people that surrounded they were eyeing for something more.So he made sure keep spies in there camp and just like she thought Daemon, who was Aegon's favourite had been subtly pointing his father to legitimize him.

So Naeyrs made plans to counter and along with her husband Aemon, since their son was the second in line for the throne, since Aegon didn't have any legitimate children with the Queen Jaina Martell.

So Naerys used the legitimization laws that we're created during Queen Rhaenyra's rule,where the bastard would have to sign a certain document that will be entered into official records.The rules in it, like if they rebel the person in question will lose his right to claim the throne and if they try to kill the King,chosen prince or his heirs, they're while line or any decendants will never get any chance to be on the throne again.The only thing that could allow a rebellion was if the King or chosen heir was Tyrant.

Just like Naerys heard Aegon in his death bed legitimized all his bastard children, causing three generation of strife and war.

Daemon took the name "Blackfyre" for himself now claimed the right to thrown, this was mainly because of two people pushing him one was his half brother Aegor Rivers and the second Ser Quentyn Ball, the master-at-arms at the Red Keep, who had played the largest role in convincing Daemon.