*Visions of Young Sam throwing rocks in water*


*Vision of Kevin voicing in desperation*


Sam woke up with a jolt, sweating abnormally on the freezing winter morning. "Is he calling me again?", "I should've pulled him outside", "How can he die with his creation alive? ", "Is he still alive or am I just repenting?".


Sam, donning a Kiton, walks elegantly towards his Fisker Karma ready at his doorstep. He turns back and shares a glance with Quorra, as if he would return in an eye blink, but there's a legacy to fulfill. Bidding her goodbye, Sam steps into the car and starts off towards ENCOM Tower. Excited yet nervous at the same time, Sam's charm works its magic as the ladies of the reception block get enamored with his charm and flamboyance. Past sneak-ins and escapades bring a smile to the new CEO's face, reminding him of the daredevil he was. As the elevator climbs the top floor of the building, the anxiety of dealing with a bunch of narcissistic idiots in the masks of board members clouded his mind. Entering the board room and taking his throne, all the board members stand up, musing to the sudden urge of Flynn's Son to take charge sooner. Alan, proud with his chest high, reminisces about his best friend Kevin's first day as CEO seeing Sam and his supporters in the room feel the same. Many jealous and defeated faces couldn't escape the moment, much to their discomfort, mainly Ed Dillinger. Anyone who knew his name itself would know that Power is what defines them, their poison and antidote. Dillinger felt betrayed, seething in envy as a lowly video game developer's son is handed the power that belonged to him. He could do nothing but watch helplessly even after countless years of lingering, as Sam takes the center stage and speaks about ENCOM's foundational principles, giving primary attention to his father's memories, teachings and values. Alan is announced as the Chairman of ENCOM, wherein he assures to follow the company principles and maintain the legacy of Kevin Flynn.

Introducing the first resolution as ENCOM CEO, Sam proposes ENCOM's foray into AI and Bio Tech Pharma Industries. Committee members become perplexed at this proposal, some even displaying dismay in their faces. It is a no-boner, as AI is the in-demand technology in the market but pharmaceuticals and video games are a combination no one asks for even in their wildest dreams. This would make no sense to anyone in the room, except for Sam, who wants to honor his father's sacrifice through this initiative. Alan, although hesitant for a moment, was proud that Sam inherited the guts of his father, the willpower to make the impossible possible. Those iconic words of his friend came rushing to him which changed the course of ENCOM:

"In there, is a new world"

"In there, is our future"

"In there, is our destiny"


Sam and Alan start having a small talk. As the dawn sets, Alan reminds Sam of his father's wish that his son will lead the new world. Sam got to know the other side of his father before his birth: the burden of balancing professional and personal life, premature demise of his mother and Kevin's struggle to raise him alone, thereby sacrificing his plans for future investments in India, especially in Mumbai. Kevin would've been proud of the video game industry in Mumbai, which has a huge market for AAA games, a market he wished to develop 30 years ago. Sam realised what a superhero Uncle Alan used to be: single-handedly managing the board meetings when Kevin used to disappear often. When asked for the reason, he would often say he's working on the "future" and he would "change the world". Alan then asks Sam what he always expected to hear:

-Really Sam, what happened that night?

-Which night?

-You know, at the Arcade?

-I strolled down the memory lane, Alan. Those video game parlors, Dad used to take me there every day and we always fought for Space Invaders Championship. Wish I could get them back.

-Why Why now, Sam? You never liked him and the Arcade from that moment. What changed your mind?

-I guess Dad was wrong. I should have gone with him that night.

-Something happened to you inside that Arcade. Whatever it is, I am proud of what you've become(pats on the back). Where'd you get that locket anyways?

-It's a secret only Flynns know(Sam smiles).