Getting rid of the long-tormenting virus of C.L.U, the expected formation of neon-lighted cities, filled with blazing fast light cycles didn't become the reality. There was nothing but routine visuals of the Barren Mountains surrounded by deep ravines. There were no signs of any moving object in sight as neon-blue thunders roared from the ever-grinning clouds of the Grid. Just then, as fate would love a miracle now and then, a faint trail of voxels with blood stains appears flowing from a mysterious being, clinging to whatever is left of the crumbling entity. Voxels spill out, resembling a Program or an ISO, but with no Light-Lines, the struggling body spots a liquid body of Arctic Blue shade after countless cycles of crawling and pushing for survival. Covered in a shining black Night Coat, covering the legs, if they do exist, the semi-visible entity depends on the liquid to extend its life span. Grid is witness to the phenomenon taking place: the repurposing of lost voxels and blood, transforming the crippling piece into a wise monk of eternal wisdom and experience.

Just as the reborn monk was about to thank his second life inside his thoughts, an orange color, repurposed program grabs his legs and starts taking his Disc from his disintegrating lifeform. As the monk kicks the attacker in self-defense, the repurposed program, which is now confirmed to be C.L.U after the monk sees its face, throws Disc in the last attempt to derezz the monk. The attempt proves futile as C.L.Us arms begin to crash into voxels, making him useless. He then starts to drink the liquid, luckily near him, as the last chance of survival.

C.L.Us body stops derezzing into voxels suddenly, giving him a sigh of relief. As a smile appears on his face, he starts choking suddenly. The liquid that gave the monk a second life now started taking the only life of C.L.U. It's as if the Grid is exacting revenge on C.L.U for eliminating ISOs in the past cycles in the same way. What was the nectar of immortality for the monk became poison for the virus C.L.U.

As the monk remains in awe of the episode happening in front of him, the liquid body, known by residents of Grid as the "Sea of Simulation", addresses the monk with a base voice: "GREETINGS, KEVIN". Kevin got startled by the mysterious voice, turning around to find the origin, but to no avail. The Sea greeted Kevin again: "It's a privilege to meet the Founder", rattling him again.

- C.L.U?!! Is this your Zen Thing, Man? Astral Echo?

- C.L.U cannot achieve your abilities in any TronCycle, Flynn. He's only designed to protect the Grid, keeping aside his imperfect code.

- Who is this then? Another one of C.L.Us repurposed minions? Ain 't Rinzler his best bet?

- The reign of C.L.U is over, founder. I may not be your creation, but the grid and I share the same origin and TronCycles.

- Are you older than TRON himself?

- Yes

- No way!! TRON is the first program I designed in the Grid. You are definitely not one.

- You are right on that one. I'm what the Creator calls "The Sea of Simulation".

- Younger Flynn would've never kept such a thoughtful name, not even in his dreams. Definitely not me.

- This Grid came into existence even before your entrance, Flynn. You have only transformed it through a program called "TRON".

- (sarcastically) It definitely isn't GOD, he's anything but an engineer.

- Disclosing creator identity is against the grid protocol. It is the first rule the creator programmed.

- (Sighs and murmurs) I should've been the damn creator. How could've been such a fool? No second key, no freaking assistants or lineage. Definitely a mad scientist!!

- Wisdom of the creator is invaluable, Flynn. A mad user never creates a guide to the Grid, who has the opportunity to meet and save the founder.

- Mann!! You are a damn good Zen, full of mysteries. And yeah…. nice to meet you (with an awkward smile). But why in this Cycle? Aren't you programmed to remove Viruses from the System?

- My purpose is to route the code blocks of the grid into an optimized and clean coding environment when a request is called upon my server. Self-programming is not yet coded into my interface.

- Wow, so deep buddy. Never thought this much while programming Tron, did I? (laughs). Why you'd want to save me and not C.L.U?

- Every action has a result, the "fruit of action" is bestowed equally to the action of the doer.

- Buddhist principles, this is so like me. Guess the owner is Buddhist, eh?

- Inception of the grid originates from the creator's undeterred faith in the eternal rules of the user world, "Sanatana Dharma", which guided users to create the digital realm as they say.

- Did this Dharma instruct you to create ISOs? They sure come from you.

- Iso is the digital manifestation of Sanatana Dharma itself; an ideal combination of the program's peak physical abilities unlocked by the user's free will.


Kevin's mind rewinds back two TronCycles back to his exciting future vision to Sam: "bio-digital jazz, man!!"

- Isos are the only hope for the ideal future of both worlds, Flynn. Powerful and intelligent users like you should handle them, not your son; undo your error, founder.

- It's impossible, my Disc is with him. The only way out is gone with him unless you can create one.

- C.L.U did more than just prepare an army, founder. He possesses the intellect of your younger self. What makes you think he would depend on a single portal for his flawed ambition?

- Lead me to the remaining locations, please. I need to be there for him. This is my only chance.

- Prepare for the dangers ahead, Flynn. C.L.U.'s surviving army fights for power and authority among itself and is hell-bent on eliminating users entering through any portal.

- There are only two powerful beings in this Grid except you: Me and C.L.U. With him gone, no one can stop me from meeting my son. Lead me the way, Zen Sea.

- May Dharma defend you, Flynn.