Four hours into the cold night, even a pint of Bourbon fails to drown Alan's confused and distressed soul. So far everything seemed like a story straight out of Kevin's vision of the future, unbelievable yet evocative through imagination. 'What is this, Kevin? Cyberpunk Star Wars?' throwing tantrums inside. Who would've thought that a nerd's digital fantasy would result in such a mind-blowing laser-ops vision, all of this inside a rusted 80s Macintosh!! Alan felt he was in this "GRID" instead of Kevin for the first time because heaven doesn't have any laser-walled Light Cycles. Light Jets, Light Tanks, Recognizers, neon-lining skyscrapers, water-like liquids with the turquoise color binary of 0s and 1s, humanoid programs, Disc Wars, this is the only paradise any gamer geek on Earth would commit seppuku for, except he was a nerd of a bygone era past 60. Lots of doubts, cloud nine fantasies, and the Old sleazy doozy Monk never fails at tripping minds.

Sam saw the sleepy effect coming a mile ahead and couldn't afford his uncle to lose his mind now. Apart from the unspoken bond they share, someone should handle ENCOM in CEO's absence. In came Quorra with a fresh, sizzling Hawaiian Kona, her eyes sparkling and a smile of motherly affection as Alan sips the burning tea like milk. Kona gradually fizzled out the rum effect, as claimed by a couple of YouTube videos that even she forgot about. Countless doubts ran through Alan's mind, helplessly wandering inside as he slept on the couch itself. Within a few hours, the flurry of obscure words and sounds transformed into a sound and sleepy night, with the cool breeze spreading like a bedsheet around the boy-turned-old man. Sam felt a strange feeling of satisfaction he never had. He never saw Alan in a calm and relaxed pose since his childhood. Had Alan maintained this happy mood since the beginning, Sam would've become a tender and naïve person with affection towards Alan, and nothing else, but the discovery of the digital frontier, an evolutionary and ground-breaking discovery would've slept in digital oblivion forever. Keeping all his thoughts and pending questions to himself, Sam covered Alan with a premium radium-lit comforter, turning off the light to have his lovely time with Quorra the night.

Both the men had their turns for fresh up, shortly after waking to an 80s retro synth mix followed by the glimmer of the morning sun. This is the first time Alan settled and suited up elsewhere since his youth. Following the fresh-up is the dressing section, and the barrage of hangar sets, ranging from glasses to shoes. No brand inside that single room isn't available around the globe. Being a Chairman, he never cared to open his wardrobe for once, leaving him in awe of the CEO's Clothing Paradiso. Ready top to bottom, the Chairman feels a sense of power up and an aura circling him around. Seating leisurely for the regular round of toasts, decorated with mayonnaise, tomato sauce, and egg yolk, this is a normal diet for a CEO like Sam but a one-time luxury for workaholics like Alan, relishing each bite of the toast, pushing aside that it got slightly overcooked at the bitten end.

The skiing trail of Fisker took a little bit longer than usual, probably owing to its sulking on Sam for skipping a day's ride. Alan and Sam though finally got the time to dig deep into the techno stuff and sentimental talk, waiting for the duo since last night. Taking on the cue, Sam broke the ice:

- Sorry Alan, should've spilled the beans back then. The only difference is you didn't voodoo me out of my shit this time.

- Nah, it'll be fine, kiddo! You would've been house-arrested then(chuckling).

- It's my fault to leave him there. Doesn't matter what I saw, he's still there, waiting for my foolish GRID venture yet again.

- Maybe, may not be Sam, but you ain't a runaway headstrong brat anymore, you're a billion-dollar CEO now. Your " instinct " could lead to an existential crisis for all of us. Kevin would never be happy seeing his legacy getting wasted by a reckless choice.

- I won't get him again, Alan. This is my last chance to get him back. Flynns' never give up!

- I get it, Sam. I just can't lose you like your Dad. Losing one was so hard for me, the second one….(becomes silent).

Seated inside the luxury beast, Alan hovers his eyes for a quick tour of the out-of-the-box interiors, just in his senses to quickly turn towards Sam, seconds into Sam's starting line:

- Soon you'll see my words in visuals, Al. After that, I'm afraid you need to take my seat until I finish my journey.

- And when does that end?

- (sighing in disbelief and uncertainty) When people see for themselves that FLYNN LIVES.

- You guys never settle for something, do you? Be careful of what you do, Sam. This old man watched your back long before she came into your life, and he'll die for it.

- Stop being so sentimental, Al. I ain't that kid from '89 anymore.

- Get into your detective boots faster, kid. Lecturing me will wait.

Bidding adieu to Sam, Alan sets off to ENCOM for a regular day, only this time his mind convinces him that happiness is always shortlived for a purpose. Ensuring that Fisker left his sight safely, Sam felt a huge relief and a renewed confidence upon the newfound support from his Uncle, having usual quips with his love as he steps in, gearing up for some digital investigation again.