memories to cherish

Mark chuckled for a second while looking at her

Mark - Ari is a cute Name.

Ariana blushed harder by the compliment of the man ,

Ariana asked out of curiosity

Ariana - you are also handsome,and mainly with extraordinary looks , like an fairytale like Prince charming.

Ariana is blabbering and saying what's came into her mind with the Flow.

On the contrary the Mark looking towards a girl who is sitting on the floor and appreciating his looks without any fear.on the top of it , he is not irritated.

Mark is really becomes dumb again, he got short of word because,the girl is shamelessly praising him.

After saying what's Ariana wants to say she looks towards the Mark ,

Mark actually becomes freeze for a minute trying to process what's to say , when he felt two pairs of eyes staring him ,he upward his head look towards in direction,and found no one but Ariana.

Ariana - what are you suprised , that how a damn gorgeous girl praise you , it's ok İ Know it's your first time.

Mark look towards Ariana in pretty confused look.

Mark - listen İt's not a first time, Every girl proposed me , where ever I went on the top of it , İ never met someone shameless as you , to praise a man without thinking he is single or committed.

Ariana Know it's not a women's good doing still she don't loose a face and looking towards the Mark and winked her eye.

Ariana replied in seductively,

Ariana- no matter what a woman or a man , beautiful thing need to be appreciated.

when Mark noticed Ariana winked at him, he got shock , it's seems he gonna have an heart attack .

Mark - what did you do , don't you have ethics.

I don't who is the unlucky man , supposed to marry you.

Ariana is really mad my statement but to irritate him she said.

Ariana - Don't forget lest this misfortune befall you

Mark got suprised by Ariana sudden statement.

Mark - nonsense

while saying this he moved forward, ignoring the Ariana.

he just stepped only few meters away from Ariana . suddenly he hear an shout ,he turned back and looking towards Ariana.

Mark - what's happened (while looking at her )

Ariana - I'm hungry,would you mind fetching me an fruit

Mark wanted to move forward and avoid her , but something inside him made him turn backward and come close to Ariana.

Ariana using her charm to accept the request she made to Mark.

Mark - stop being so cute , if not İ will kiss you hardly.

While saying this sentence mark control his man desires , trying not to be desperate for her .

Ariana opened her mouth like an frog while glaring at mark.

Ariana - who do you think you are huh

Mark uplift his eyebrows and said casually

Mark - your supposed to be husband

Ariana shouted in frustration

Ariana- what are you saying are you out of mind.

Mark said something that's opened the Ariana mouth and frustrated her at the core of her heart.

Mark - do you really think I'm this much bad luck in my life , who will voluntarily marry an unluckiness . I'm not that much out of mind.

Ariana - do you think I'm unlucky if that yes , then you are unfortunate.

Mark uplift his eyebrows in confusion while looking at Ariana in awe.

Mark - both are the same thing .

Ariana - but unfortunate sound to similar to your personality.

Mark laughing being scaractic and being a mad for awhile.

Ariana looking at him with mercy eyes.

Mark - I'm so stupid, İ never went to school that's I don't know a simple yet common sense.

Ariana nodding her head in acceptance.

Mark said in total frustration

mark - you know you should supposed to mad in this world ,how the hell you remain not so mad.

As an habit Ariana nod her head again.

After a second she realised what the mark is saying to him.

Ariana - do you think I'm mad.

Mark - well At first I'm not sure but now I'm confirmed it .

suddenly Ariana stomach grumbling by the sound of being hungry , unexpectedly the attention of both move towards her petty stomach.

Ariana while patting her stomach

Ariana - İ know you are hungry,but this uncle are, not helping us to fetch a fruit.

For instance,Mark got the wrong idea.

He seems to be thunder slap on his face by the realisation that's Ariana is having baby.

Mark - How many months ,

Ariana being confused while rubbing her head

Ariana - what??

Mark being concerned of her

Mark -( in his thoughts) İ don't know she is pregnant,who the hell jerk is , make pregnant a cute baby girl , she is at the age of playing with dolls and she is gonna take of the innocent soul by herself.

Mark - I'm how many months did you get pregnant.

While Ariana rubbing her stomach, she stopped, for a second and look towards him.

Ariana - I'm pregnant,İ don't know about this ,no way İn my whole life,İ never touch a man ,how did it happen, noo noo no it's a lie .

while saying her last sentence she is crying in immensely.

Mark also becomes confused for a bit.

Mark came close to her and moving his hand towards her hand .

Ariana back off and jerked his hands while glaring at him .

Ariana - don't touch me I'm gonna pregnant.

Mark - what??

Ariana - yes ,İ don't wanna be pregnant again with another child.

Mark is totally in dilemma

Mark - is it not that easy process.

Ariana - is it , You Know our grandmother said that,When an women and man touch eachother hands suddenly she gets pregnant with an baby.

Mark understand she didn't know any single thing about how the baby is born.

Mark is trying hard to cover his smile .

Mark came closer to her and said.

Mark - Then can İ touch your stomach for a bit .

Ariana nodded her head.

Mark came close to her and touch her stomach and examine is she having a born or not.

As he expected she is not pregnant.

He moved back his position and said.

Mark - you are not pregnant.

Ariana - you are liar ,

Mark put his hand on his head

Mark - and why would İ do that.

Ariana - because you are jealous.

Mark - do you thing being pregnant thing is an jealously thing .and please don't talk to your stomach like that.

Ariana -why??

Mark - because anyone can confused about your identity being as single or committed.