Chapter 5: The De’ costa brothers

Flashback to Rechel POV.

After the staring match between me and Brianna. Brianna suddenly bounced out and that's when I found the courage to leave too.

I followed Brianna led till we arrived at the underworld. The underworld was a building below the house where all the agendum gathers for a meeting. Not a basement cause it's more equipped than a basement. As usual, I met everyone all gathered and the boss was pacing back and front in rage.

"Capo," I called and swallowed a lump. "You called for me," I said when he turns to face me.

The top corner of his lips was raised as if he was going to say something but he just huffed and turns to face John. John is our information cause he works with several mafia entities and reports to us. "John," he called. And John looked at him.

"Tell her everything you just told us now." He spoke calmly.

"Yes capo," he bows and turns to face me. "The de'costa brothers are close to finding out who stole their shipment." My heart sank at the mention of that.

Yeah, he also works for them so he updates us about them.

The de'costa brothers are our mortal enemy.

Not my enemy but my boss's enemies cause I for one wouldn't dare cross them.

They are a set of mafia made up of four United brothers, so I heard that they are the most strongest and powerful mafia here in Italy.

We were the ones who stole their shipment on our last operation cause John had told us they got a package worth billions of dollars. And if they find us out, things are gonna get bloody.

"Well, you see that was why I was so negative about this before. I had this feeling that they will surely find us out." My voice was shaking than I intended. and I instantly regretted it as Maximo's jaw went stiff.

All the blood in his body rushed up to his eyes. He always hates it when I get scared of the de costa brothers. But I can't help it.

"The de'costa brothers are close to finding us now and it's all because of you." He yelled and I flinched in shock.

He brought out his phone and brought the screen close to my face.

I saw a picture of myself wearing the same cloth I wore during the operating it's like the shot was been taken right when I was on operation.

"they saw your face on the CCTV camera and right now they are looking for you. I'm sure when they find you, the rest of us will be implicated." He yelled again and smashed his phone on the floor.

I went dumbfounded for a few seconds, standing electrocuted at a spot.

"I...I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"Don't bloody say that." He gave me a tight slap across my face and I lost equilibrium and Saultmated on the ground making a sharp pain shoot through my body.

"I made sure I instructed everyone to avoid the cameras how come they saw your face???" Before I could think of saying a word. He dragged me up from the ground and started pouching, kicking, and flinging me across all corners of the room.

He dealt with me like a fellow man and I couldn't defend myself.

I've learned not to cry or beg him whenever he's beating me cause it angry him the more.

I was bleeding profusely from my nose and lips but he continued beating me.

When He finally stopped beating he asked one of the men to lock me up in the spooky room. The spooky room was very dark and I hates going there. I was locked in the room for days without food as my punishment.

I was too weak that if stayed here any longer, I'll die.

But One night, John came into the room. No one has come here ever since I was locked up so I thought he was finally going to free me at the order of the capo.

He came towards me and lost all chains from my body.

He then asked me to follow him.

But to be more certain, I asked "where are you taking me?" My voice was so fragile.

"To the de' costas." He said casually and I initially thought it was joking cause the boss will never give out such instructions but his next statement told me otherwise.

"You are going to be earning me $10,000,000 in just a matter of seconds.." he smiled creepily and I was gazing at him in shock. "The de costa brothers are offering $10m to anyone who can find you and I don't wanna miss that. Even the capo can't pay me that."

While he was saying that my heart was beating rapidly.

John asked me to follow him peacefully but I stubbornly didn't oblige. He then gripped my hair and dragged me roughly out of the room. He follow through some hideout till we got into his car. He threw me into his car, shot the door, and walked in.

I banged against the windscreen and yelled at him to let me go but he focus on driving the car. I threatened to tell the capo what a traitor he is but he only laugh it off.

"Look if you don't let me go I'll expose you to the de'costa brothers!!!" I yelled and that got him angry.

"If you dare do that I'm gonna have to kill you myself. You know I work there right??" He gritted his teeth glaring at me through the rare view.

I didn't say anything I just kept quiet and an hour later we arrived at a tall building.

the thought of meeting the de'costa brother in person crept fear and terror into me.

From what I've heard about them, I will prefer death to meet them in physical