I hate drug Addicts

Clarrisa POV

Only God knows how I've barely survived alone for the whole night. The moment I woke to my sister's scream and saw the terror on her face, triggered something in me. I felt bad when she didn't want to tell me about her dream but somehow it was relieving. I mean if I could get so traumatized by just her terrified disposal I wonder if she'd tell me what she dreamt about.

I couldn't sleep for the night cause I didn't want to have any memories. Wait... what if my sister didn't have a dream but memories?

I doubt that. She's so bold and doesn't look like someone who'll get traumatized over a past event unlike me.

The door opened while I was curling up on the bed and Antonio walked in.

I swallowed at the sight of him and greeted him.

"Good morning Tesoro. How's your night?" He asked calmly with a placid smile.


I told him it was great even though it wasn't close to it.

He looked around the room and asked me "where's your sister?"

He has this curiously and hidden panic on his face.

I gulped so hard and bowed my head. I don't know where she is, to be honest, and another dawned on me what if she escaped and I'm being blamed for it? Of course, I'll be blamed. I could have stopped her.

Now I'm certainly going to be punished. No doubts.

"Where's rechel?" His voice raised a bit this time.

"She...she left!"

"What? Why didn't you try to stop her or come to inform me immediately she left?" With the redness of his eyes, I can swear it was taking all in him to not yell. why didn't

I was now shaking in dread, my brother is angry with me for the first time. Thinking about the possible outcome brought tears to my eyes but my awful surprise. I felt someone hug me. It was Antonio.

"It's okay baby please don't cry. I'm sorry for questioning you. It's not your fault" Antonio said while holding me in his embrace.

I walked out of the room together with Antonio and we both arrived at the dining to meet Jayden setting the table.

"Wait... am I hallucinating bro or are you really setting the table for breakfast and this very early?" Antonio asked Jayden in surprise glancing at the walk clock which reads 6:57 am

"It's not a crime for me to take charge of the kitchen at least just this morning is it?" Jayden said, hands busy arranging plates.

"No, I'm just surprised. Like it's kind of unthinkable right? find Hayden of all people tending to breakfast or wait.. is matoe sick?"

Antonio asked Jayden laughed which was quite weird. Jayden always looks ready to kill all the time.

"Of course not. I just want to be the first person to welcome Rechel." I'm not Rechel but my heart fluttered at the fact that Jayden even though he looks so cold, was playing his part to welcome his sister to the family I also felt when I realized his efforts might just be a waste as Rechel is nowhere to be found.

"by the way how was your night clarrisa and where's, Rechel?"

My heart beats a couple of times at that question.

"Ummm... she...she..."

Loud yawning interrupted me. We all turn to see Liam walking downstairs. Stretching out himself and robbing his eyes.

"Is there a party going on today that I'm not aware of? of?" Liam asked his eyes moving from the dining to every one of us "What are you guys doing at the dining at this early hour of the morning."

"Who's seen, Rechel? Antonio asked instead. Liam's mouth dropped open in shock at the question. The fork in Jayden's hands dropped.

"What? Wait don't tell me she's escaped again." Jayden groveled.

Everyone's gaze was now on me. I sucked in a breath and fall down my head. My respiratory system refused to supply me with air.

"I...' I finally voiced out "I'm sorry I didn't mean for her to leave"

"And how's she leaving your fault." That was Liam's narcotic voice as he came to my side and hugged me to his side, 'Cmon it's not your fault baby."

"You shouldn't be sorry clarrisa." Jayden cholerically "Those useless moron excuse for a guard should." He yelled unexpectedly and in as much as I tried not to, I still flinched.

And my brothers noticed.

"Jayden learn to be keeping it cool" Antonio cautioned him and he muttered an "I'm sorry" to me.

"We aren't entirely sure whether she escaped for real. Let me check Mateo's room first before we decide on anything."

Antonio pov

Rechel! I don't know about her yet but I feel she's gone through some shits just like Clarissa.

Her denying me as a family was a stab to my chest. She must have been through a lot for her to develop Apathy for her family. Or what if she specifically hates us?

It could be I mean she was in a mafia that's probably one of our rivals. They must have turned her against us. Whatever it is that's making my baby rejects me, I'll find it out and make sets things straight.

If it's her ex-mafia gang or anyone else that has made her that way, I swear I'll find them. I'll find them all and make them beg for death. Hell everyone who's laid a hand on my sisters will all pay. I may barely know Rachel for now but one thing is certain, someone hurt her. There's no way she'll be giving cold shoulders to the people who are ready to love her and make her happy.

Whatever reason she isn't accepting us must have been triggered by someone and God helps that person when I find him or her out.

When I arrived at Matteo's room I was shocked beyond words at the state I met something breaks inside of me as I behold my sister's state.

My little sister was fracking taking what? Drugs and she was high on it. 

"Racheal. What on earth do you think you are doing?" My voice was extremely husky.

"What does it look like to you huh?" He asked looking at me with red then she dabbed her nose on the substances again.

"Rechel Stop that now" I sounded stern now.

"Why should I?" She staggered up and laughed hysterically like a psycho.

"Matteo,  what the hell is this?" I groveled turning to face matte. "How come she's taking drugs in your room."

"I...I tried to stop her but she didn't listen to me." He said and blinked his lashes.

"Wow, you did! By the way, how the hell did she find drugs in this room? Matteo is there something I need to know?" I asked dead serenely.

Silence reigned for a while and in my heart, I hoped for matoe sake that he isn't into taking hard drugs. I can kill any of my family who'll become drug addicts again— I hate drug addicts. Those creatures are monsters, beasts, psychos, bipolar they are anything useless.

"What's there you need to know? What's so wrong about taking drugs?" That was Rechel voice hacking in.

"Everything sweetie. Everything." I said calmly now facing her.

"Well In my version drugs have saved a lot of people's lives and still saving. A lot of people could have been dead by now if not for the help of drugs. Well, you certainly wouldn't understand because you probably take it for pleasure and think that's all there is.

You wouldn't understand cause you weren't abandoned on the street without a place to call home and treated like a rag by everyone, maltreated molested, and persecuted by everyone around you, and then when you finally think there's this one person who's shown you love and care that person turns out to be your worst nightmare, completely crushing the remains of you to peaces.

You wouldn't understand how it feels to be hated by everyone for no reason, unacceptable, and practically no one to turn to but drugs. Try being in a wretched situation where no one understands or feels your pains, no one even gives a shit about you then you'll know there's more to drugs than you think..." she yelled. See tears glistening in her eyes but she was fighting to hold them back.

As I processed what she was saying. I don't need anyone to tell me she was talking about herself and it was a dagger through my heart to behold the broken disposal of my sister. But still

"Racheal you have no reason to take drugs. It's highly prohibited in this house." I know my sister may consider me as being cold-hearted or even heartless for saying that after all she's just spewed but being stern and strict was my only possible way to get her to uphold my strict rule.

Besides she has no reason to take drugs, at least not anymore. Whatever she's been through in the past, she's here now and I'll stop at nothing until I make things right. She doesn't need drugs because she now has a family, five people who are going to love her unconditionally if only she'll open her heart to accept us in.

It wasn't easy but with persistence and tactfulness, I was able to rid the drugs from my sister Rachael and get her into freshening up in the matoe restroom. Matoe gave her one of his big shirts which she wore as a gown.

We all three went down to the living room to join the rest for breakfast.

"Wow, where did you find her Tonio?" Liam asked As we settled down.

"At Matteo's... taking drugs." I deadpanned.

"What?" Liam yelled in shock and Jayden furrowed his brows while me, while I heard Clarissa's soft gasp.

Both Jayden and Liam started buzzing Rachel's ears as to why she'll have to take drugs, where she got drugs from and stuffs Rechel wasn't replying to but I kept my focus on Matteo who'd been squirming and uneasy right from when we left the room, still looking so tense.

That got me nonplussed.

I know matte sometimes behaves weirdly but right now he looks like a scardy cat about to get killed and a thought suddenly niggled at me. About those drugs, did Rechel find them in the matoe room? No, don't tell me matoe could be taking drugs.

"So Guys" I voiced out before anyone could start eating

"I'll quickly discuss something with you guys before we eat," I said calmly and everyone gave me their attention well except Rechel who was looking emotionless.

"First Now that we are all present let's introduce ourselves to our newly founded sister," I said with an Authoritative voice. Everyone started introducing themselves.

"I'm Liam de costa your immediate elder brother"

"I'm Jayden your second elder brother "

"I'm Matteo " Matteo muttered out after a long silence.

I frowned at his uneasiness before saying.

"I'm Antonio De costa. Your eldest brother and your guardian from now on Rechel."

Rechel respond with a scoff and an eye roll.

"And..." I bet we all didn't expect clarrisa would join in the introduction but since she spoke we have her our attention.

"I am Clarissa. Your... your twin sister."

"Clarrisa De costa" I confirmed with a nod.

"Now I will not go overboard with this. I'll just hit the nail. Here in this family. We have some rules that govern the family. Rules that must be observed and followed" I paused and looked at my two sisters for a reaction. While Rechel kept a straight a face,

Clarisa swallowed and avoided my gaze.