TIMELESS VOYAGE: First Mission: Survival Island

Chapter 05: First Mission: Survival Island.

"Player, welcome to your first mission." Says an emotionless A.I.

|Mission difficulty: Easy

Mission type: Survival.

Main Mission: Survive and Save two or more of your comrades.

comrade saved: 0

Side mission 1: Build a safe house.

Side mission 2: Explore the island completely.

Mission time: 30 days × 30 days (Trait Effect: Limitless Time.)

Mission status: In progress.|

Jack's vision goes blank as only a system window being left in his mind. Suddenly he starts hearing the sound of waves as he slowly opens his eyes to look around. Out of nowhere, his head starts aching as he receives some kind of vision.(This isn't vision, The.. they... are memories.) Thought jack as huge amount of memories starts pouring in his brain before he lost consciousness.

Slowly but surely jack's consciousness was restored as he flutters his eyes open and starts to look around despite his aching head with hunger and thirst hitting him hard. The first thing he notices is that he is lying down on a sandy beach with sound of waves coming from nearby as little crabs, snails and other little crustaceans skidded nearby. Slowly but surely he tries to get up and realises that his body isn't as weak as when he woke up after integrating the system so, he closes his eyes for a moment and looks through the foreign memories he got.

The memories seem to be from a young man around 19 years old, the boy was a rich young master from 'Silva' family, one of the top four families of a country called 'Bartol Republic'. This fellows name is Kurt William 'Silva', Kurt Silva for short. The Silva family has only two sons and he is the youngest one, he has an elder brother who runs the family business.

His big brother is kind to him and likes him a lot. He is his parents treasure and the most important person in their heart. Growing up in such an environment, he becomes a spoilt brat as he used to go clubbing, drinking alcohol, street racing during the night or even fighting random people, if they offended him even a bit, he also got caught by police many times but, his brother saved him silently without informing his parents every single time.{Such a disgusting person, how did the family not punish him already? That big brother is also an idiot. There is difference between liking someone and letting someone you like, do whatever they wants.} thought jack in pure disgust as he continues to accept the memories.

He was a trash of the society through and through as he even had no respect for his parents, he only used to see them as annoying pests because of their constant naggings, he only liked his big brother because he thought of him as his walking credit card.{Anno.. Annoying pest? Omg! Is this guy a evil spawn? Wtf! Walking credit card, walking fucking credit card? Why not his walking food, clothing, gaming and even saviour instead? No, Why not baby sitter? After all his brother was literally his baby sitter.} Thought jack, extremely shocked by this fellows stupid thought process.

This time this fellow escaped his home because his parents select a bride for him and set up an engagement. He and his friends together booked a flight to an Island called 'Carapoa Island' to escape the engagement. This island is home to around a million people, populace in this island are generally kind to foreigners as once a foreigner found and visited this island and helped develop this island, attracting tourism in the process. So, he decided to escape to this island for some amount of time with his friends and return after the engagement is annulled.

On the way to 'Carapoa Island', suddenly lightning storm started as the plane they boarded rocked right and left, the pilot was continuously manoeuvring away from the lightning, despite the pilots best effort, a lightning strike suddenly hit the plane resulting in a crash landing straight in to the ocean. As the man drowned into the ocean along with the plane, the last thought he had was {If only I listened to my parents and agreed to the engagement maybe, I would've lived longer.}.

{Well deserved, good that such a cancer to the society had died of, at least his brother and parents wouldn't have to be sinners anymore. This body must've washed up ashore. Until I took over it? Hmm How did the system do it?}Thought jack as he slowly comes out of his trance and looks around the island properly. Infront of him, he notices a medium sized coconut palm and hanging from it are coconuts big and small. Driven by hunger he instantly search for a rope but, realises that he can't have such luxury, as he carefully looks around for any vine like plant and thankfully to his surprise he finds it instantly, using hunger and thirst as his fuel, he starts to bind the vine around his legs in a rapid succession and starts to climb upwards. He finally reaches the top in a matter of minutes. After reaching the top, he separates some old and some young coconuts away by the branches with his bare hands and drops them to the ground. As he separates some more coconut and drops them to the ground to keep spare, a strange scene catches his eyes as he finds three people being involved in what seemed like an argument. He slowly but steadily climbs down from the tree and unbinds the vines quickly as he picks up a coconut from the ground and removes the outer shell with his bare hands and drinks some coconut milk from a green coconut, after quenching his thirst and hunger a little, he dashes rapidly towards the direction of the people in the vicinity.

"It's your fault melissa, if not for you, we wouldn't have booked the flight and ended up in this island." Blames a middle-aged with a frown, he is a dark skinned man with a scar between his left eyebrows, wearing a white t-shirt and a black pant which are wet.

"Stop blaming me, smith. Did I force you guys to visit 'Carapoa Island' with me? Or did I know that the plane is going to crash." Fires back a pale middle-aged lady with anger visible on her face. She has a blue leather jacket on with a long jeans pant covering her figure as her clothes are also wet.

"Calm down guys, calm down, you guys have been arguing for almost an hour now. Do you think arguing will solve the problem? Besides, have you thought about food? My hungry body can't take it anymore. If you guys still wants to argue then, go on." Says another pale faced middle-aged man in a soothing voice as he is covered with black t-shirt and a silver trouser.

"Albert, it's not my fault, since we been stranded to this island. He started complaining every single time, instead of doing something about the situation." Says melissa in a annoyed tone but seemed calmer than before.

"Ugh, Alright, alright, fine, It's my fault, Now can we please stop blaming each other and find a solution to our hunger first?" Says smith in a rational voice after having come to terms with the reality.

Jack listened to the drama unfold with a bewildered expression from behind a palm tree close to them.{It seems like, they are also from the same plane this guy boarded, and also likely stranded to this island. Now thinking about the system mission it seems, they are the comrades the system talked about. Considering every month as 30 days, I have to be in this world for another 2 years and around 7 months? Then, they are going to be a crucial part of my survival, first let's start an conversation as friendly as possible.} Thought jack deeply as he slowly appears out of the tree.

As melissa, smith and albert were thinking of what to do, a silhouette of a person appears behind a tree, melissa was the first to notice it as she was facing directly across the tree while, albert and smith have their backs facing the tree. So without an ounce of hesitation she points a finger towards the tree. Noticing her action, smith instantly turns around and switches to a fighting stance and albert stands behind smith wearily protecting melissa behind. As the silhouette comes out of the tree, it becomes clearer to them as it is none other than jack.

Despite seeing the young man with coconuts in his hands, smith didn't relax a bit as he sensed danger from this young man despite being a hunter himself. As the young man approached close enough, he kept himself at a safe distance from them which didn't go unnoticed by smith. The young man starts speaking the same language as them as he introduces himself, which relaxed them a bit.

"Hello everyone, I am Kurt Silva, nice to meet you all." Says jack with a polite smile as he proceeds to drop the coconuts that he held by the their branches and puts out his hand for a handshake.

"Hello, I am smith, nice to meet you too." Says smith nervously as he cautiously shakes the young man's hand.

"Umm, I eavesdropped on your conversation a little. It seems you happened to have survived a plane crash?" Asks jack, acting embarrassed.

"Yes, we were actually on our way to Carapoa island when unexpectedly our plane crashed into the water, thankfully, we made it out and ended up on this island." Explains melissa with a smile as she realised that this guy is an inexperienced young man and might've no evil thought. Thinking so, she slowly inches closer to jack.

"Is that so? Are you by any chance from the same plane that was heading towards the 'Carapoa island'?" Asks jack acting astonished.

"Wait, what? Don't tell me you are also from the same plane?" Questions smith in shock

"Yes actually, I was also heading towards 'Carapoa island' with my friends and the plane crashed and.. And...then.. I lost my friends." Says jack as he breaks down crying, putting his acting skills on show. Since being emotional is the best way he can think of right now to be friendly with them, as it is more affective and less likely to cause them to be cautious against him, afterall, a man with weakness is easier to talk to than a calm composed man. As for acting to be emotional? he has learned it a long time ago in the hard military drills, as acting can also save lives in times of war and special situations.

Seeing the young man break down crying smith, albert and melissa drops down their guards completely as melissa starts petting jacks back gently while smith pets his head and albert looks on with pity visible on his face trying to calm him down.

"Its fine, It's fine the most important thing is you survived right? See us, We are all happy that we survived." Says melissa in a soothing tone.

"But, you were arguing a while ago." Says jack with red eyes and tears on his face.

"Actually this two quarrels when they are happy." Interjects albert with a smile.

"What? How is that even possible?" Says jack with a look that unfolds "do you think I am a fool."

"You don't believe me?" Asks albert with a raised eyebrow.

"No." Says jack with red eyes.

"Hmm, then melissa and smith, what is the happiest place of our visit?" Asks albert with a smile.

"Marsupial bay." Says both melissa and smith as if understanding albert's action of diverting the topic and making the young man relax.

"Then, what is the happiest thing you have experienced there?" Asks albert as he points jack with a raised eyebrow and a mysterious smile indicating him to watch a show.

"Definitely meeting sugar glider and koala." Says melissa with a smile.

"No, it's meeting kangaroo and wombats." Rebukes smith with confidence.

"No, I said it's sugar glider and koala not kangaroo and wombat." Melissa rebukes smith in an annoyed tone.

"No, It's definitely kangaroo and wombat, your sugar glider and koala are too weak to even defend themselves." Rebukes smith with confidence.

"Your muscle head can't even enjoy beautiful and cute creatures like the sugar glider and koalas." Fights back melissa with a snort.

"You.." As smith was about to butt heads with melissa again. He was suddenly interrupted by albert: "Ok, come on guys, stop it already, aren't you guys going too far."

Hearing albert's voice, both of them looked away from each other with a snort.

"So, young man what do you think? Can people argue because they are happy?" Says albert with a confident smile.

"Yes?" Says jack as he looks bewildered completely forgetting his crying act and thought {What in the world is this? Never in my life have I seen such an example before.}

"So, how did you end up here? Did you by chance swam through the ocean like us? If so, how did you find us?" Asks albert again with curiosity after seeing the young man calm down.

"I lost my consciousness after the plane crashed. I recovered my consciousness a while ago lying on a sandy beach nearby, due to unstoppable hunger and thirst, I climbed a coconut palm and noticed you guys so, I instantly ran over here." Explains jack calmly.

"I see, you must've been washed ashore by the waves. Wait, you can climb the coconut palm?" Asks albert as he is surprised by jacks ability to climb trees.

"Yes." Nods jack.

"If you don't mind can we also have some coconut with you?." Interjects melissa in an embarrassed tone as thirst and hunger gets the better of her.

"okay" nods jack as he starts to chop coconuts one by one with his bare hands together with smith, who also surprisingly poses strong physique and claimed to have learned karate. After having their fill, everyone starts to decide things they might have to do to survive on this island.

"So, is there a way to contact the outside world?" Asks melissa worriedly.

"I have a mobile phone in my pocket but there is no signal here." Says smith looking worried.

"Sigh, it seems we can only rely on ourselves now." Says albert with worry.

"Yeah, let's focus on surviving the island first and foremost. Maybe, if we are lucky enough, the rescuers will find us." Says melissa unconfidently, clearly not having much hope about rescuers.

"I think we should focus on seeking shelter first. Secondly, we should look for rocks and woods to create fire." Says jack as he is more experienced due to military drills.

"Well said Kurt. I was also thinking the same so, how do we go about it? After all we don't even have tools to cut trees and make one by ourselves." Says smith with a frown.

"First let's find a cave before the nightfall, it is still early in the morning so, we have ample time, we must also have a watch out for wild animals that may live in the cave." Says jack seriously.

"So jack, you and me will go find a suitable cave while melissa and albert can go find some leaves and vines to start fire. Melissa please do help find some edible fruits and herbs." Says smith seriously as he arranges everyone tasks.

"Hmph, I don't need you to say, what I have to do, I know what to do." Rebukes melissa with a snort, still dissatisfied with her previous quarrel but still agreeing to her task.

"But, we have to also find water you know? So, how about we store water in those shells until, we find something better." Says jack as he points to the coconuts they ate and threw.

"Okay." Nods albert thoughtfully.

"Let's go kurt, we better hurry. We aren't guaranteed to find a cave." Interrupts smith in a hurried tone as he urges jack.

"ok, let's go." Nods jack as he looks toward the beautiful green island covered in trees as he stands up and proceeds to the forest area of the island.