TIMELESS VOYAGE: The wolves hatred and the plan.

Chapter 07: The wolves hatred and the plan.





Some wolves barks at kurt who was sitting on the tree, While some other growls in anger. As the wolves continues to do so. Jack who is currently replacing kurt looks toward smith, who is also sitting on a big branch in the distance. Noticing kurt looking over to him, smith motions with his hands and asks kurt whether he is fine as he doesn't want to alert the wolves by his presence. To which kurt motions with his hands that he is all right. despite that being the case, smith still looks on worriedly as he continuously looks at kurt's leg tied with a torn pant at one time and his face another time.

Kurt knowing smiths worries motions again with his hands to ease smith's worries but fails to do so as smith continues to look on worriedly. Knowing that he might not convince smith, kurt decides to check his stats. Soon, he opens the system setting to take a quick look:


Suddenly, a ringing came out of nowhere startling kurt, who almost fell from the tree, a moment later, a message pops up infront of him:

"Host has successfully unlocked Health Points, HP for short and agility stats.

|Name: Jack Evans

Race: Human

Age: 18

Auxiliary points: 0 (can be used to upgrade stats.)

HP: 90/100 (comments: Slightly injured.)

Intelligence: 6

Speed: 7

Agility: 8

Luck: 6

Charisma: 8

Stamina: 9

Strength: 8(+1)

Durability: 8

Dexterity: 8|

Kurt also opens the 'Trait setting' at the same time to see if there is any difference:


Total Traits:2

Available Traits: 3

Trait Talents: 1.) Sense of fortune: Always detect treasures or the like within a hundred meter radius.

2.) Limitless time: Increases the time limit of mission worlds, allowing the user to live longer in the mission world.

Trait points: 0|

After checking the setting, he becomes curious about HP and agility as he continues to look at his stats, he is shocked as he suddenly realises that his strength increased by 1 point.

{It might be due to that sudden burst of energy, when I jumped to the other tree. HP is understandable, what about agility? Is it about how fast my reaction is? Well, it seems there isn't a explanation for now, I have to ask the oldwoman if I can get back. Hmm, there's no change in the traits.} Thought kurt as he switches to his character profile and checks it, only to realise, how stupid he was. He could've actually used the vanish ability of the mask to escape the wolves.

|Item: Countenance of werewolves.

Item type: Wearable

Item grade: C

Item effect: Changes the facial features of the wearer at will.

Item durability : 100/100 (note: Only special 'C' grade and above items or beings can damage the item.)

Item cooldown time:∞

Item Ability: Vanish :- Makes the user invisible to perception and such abilities of the same rank for 10seconds.

Ability cool down: 5 days.

Item drawback: Werewolves wrath:- If equipped in the vicinity of an werewolf or the like, the user will be hunted down by them.

Item description: This is a 'normal' item crafted using a werewolves face, 'special' for some, while a 'curse' for others.|

{Wth? Am I so stupid? No wonder, my intelligence is rated so low. Hmm, I can't blame myself like this. Who can have the calm in that situation when, facing the unexpected wolf. If I have already been in this game numerous times, maybe I wouldn't make such a silly mistake. What happened, happened, now let's focus on getting out of this situation.} Thought kurt in frustration as he tries to calm himself down and looks toward smith.

Smith motions with his hand whether he is fine, he saw kurt startled to the point of almost falling out of the tree. He naturally thought that pain has made kurt react in such a manner. Kurt motions with his hands that he is fine. He also lies embarrassedly that a sudden ache came out of nowhere in his leg area causing him to be startled. To which smith expresses his understanding.

Kurt shifts his attention towards the wolves as he sees a familiar tree branch, he remembers the time he heard a 'shoosh' sound as the thin wolf let go of him. Kurt turns towards smith and motions towards him with his hands as he thanks smith. Smith motion with his confusedly not understanding why kurt is thanking him. Kurt points at the branch that helped him, to which smith expresses his understanding as he motions with his hands clearly saying that it is nothing to be thanked for, as they are comrades.

After understanding what smith is saying, he becomes emotional as he thought of them as tools which could save him while, smith already considers him a comrade. Remembering so, he decides to check out his mission again:

|Mission difficulty: Easy

Main Mission: Save two or more of your comrades.

Comrads saved:01

Side mission 1: Build a safe house.

Side mission 2: Explore to the heart of the island.|

Kurt was shocked by the comrades saved:01, because he didn't think that throwing stones near the wolf's cave would be counted as saving. Because that is the only time he saved someone.{ So, saving doesn't necessarily means you have to keep your allies alive.} Thought kurt deeply but soon came out of his trance.

Kurt looks toward smith and motions him to find a way out of this as the wolves keep surrounding the tree. To which smith motions that he can't think of a way currently. Knowing that he might waste time being here, kurt decides to get up as he looks at a tree further which is within his jumping limit. With adrenaline coursing through his veins kurt suddenly runs forward as he jumps to another branch despite the pain, he catches the branch succesfully and gets up on the branch. Knowing what kurt is going for, smith motions him to stop jumping as he might accumulate more injuries. As kurt looks toward corcerned smith, he motions smith to calm down and explains that it is within his ability.



The wolves snarls in anger as they realises that this creature can jump from trees to trees. They followed to the other tree that kurt jumped at when all of a sudden they heard a roar.



Hearing the roar, the wolves scrambles to flee inside the cave with big wolf leading them, the big wolf looks at kurt hatefully one last time before it dashed, leading the other wolves into the cave.

After sometime passed, both kurt and smith sighs in relief, realising that the wolves might not come back soon. kurt and smith both slowly but cautiously starts climbing down from the trees. After getting down, they instantly ran opposite direction to the cave. After reaching fair enough distance both smith and kurt sighs in relief but, still cautiously continues to check their surrounding for any possible predator.

"Are you alright jack? It seems that the wolf has taken a bite on your leg." Asks smith worriedly as he search around kurt cautiously for any other injured areas.

"It's fine, it's nothing much. First, let's find a shelter or else we aren't going to make it through the night, especially with the wolves who might hunt during the night." Says kurt seriously as he hurriedly starts walking.

"Calm down young man, it's still morning, we have all the time till night." Says smith calmly as he pulls kurt to a stop and makes him sit.

"You are a hunter and know better than me, right? If you really care about my injury than, we better find a shelter hurriedly. Besides, the beach might look safe but what if some other animals get stranded there? I think you should stop thinking so leisurely, first, because we are inside the forest, second, after finding shelter, we need food to survive. This isn't your safari cruise unfortunately. So, think better mr.smith." Says kurt seriously in an upraised tone as he makes his points clear to smith and gets up when smith loosens his grip.

"If it's alright with you then, I have nothing else to say." Says smith after much consideration as he slowly starts walking, together with kurt.

As they walks cautiously, smith is surprised by how calm kurt is despite the injury he currently has. {He is a tough one all right.} Thought smith as he and kurt walks forwards until they came near a stream.



Suddenly two different but familiar roars reaches their ears as they are petrified, thinking that the animals that are roaring were following them. As they looks around cautiously they realises that the animals that roared are two bears fighting each other.

"Did we actually run further from the cave? or are we still around the periphery of the cave?" Asks smith in confusion.

"It's not that we are in the periphery of the cave. It's most likely that the black bear happen to have brought the brown one here on purpose." Says kurt thoughtfully as he looks at the two bears fighting in the distance.

"That's right, why didn't I think of this. It might be protecting it's babies from the brown one. The brown one is a grizzly bear and the other one is black bear. Grizzly and black bear always competes each other and mostly fights to death, if they happen to meet each other. They do this to eliminate a potential threat and a fellow competitor." Explains smith thoughtfully as he and kurt quietly watches the bear fight to death from a distance

"I understand." nods jack as he watches the bear fight curiously.

"I think we should kill the one that wins." Says smith suddenly.

"Huh? But, we don't have a single weapon do we? Besides, It will be very dangerous for us." Says kurt cautiously.

"Who says we don't? See that over there? It's a branch, bigger than the one we had. I will get it, while you climb a tree for safety." Says smith as he points to a tree and dashes cautiously after finishing his speech.

"But....." Kurt was about to say something but smith has already made a run for it. Unable to do anything, kurt climbs a tree and sits on the branch and suddenly thought of an idea. {Since, I can now jump from tree to tree, it wouldn't be an issue for me if I silently smash the bear with the branch that smith is bringing. But the issue with how I can move, both the branch and my body silently without alerting the bear remains.}

As kurt was deep in thought. Smith arrives safely with the branch and an additional one without further issues, he hands the bigger one to kurt, while keeping the smaller one for himself. Smith suddenly says in a serious tone:" Listen, we can't miss the timing, when one of them kills the other, we will instantly strike it in it's weakened state, they might have a cave nearby, which can be used as our shelter. We should also be careful of our surrounding, for example, attracting the wolves or other animals due to the bloody smell."

"I understand so, how do we go about attacking it?" Nods kurt thoughtfully as he asks back.

"You can jump trees right? I will stall it from the ground, in front of it. Normally, the bear will taunt me first so, the moment it taunts me you can directly jump over it and insert the branch on to its head. Remember, we can't make a single mistake while doing so." Says smith as he draws on the ground and stratigize the way they may attack the winning bear.

"When I am distracting it, I will try best to lure it to a tree with branches on it's lower end. So, make sure that you are as still as possible when I have pulled the bear closer to the tree." Continues smith seriously.

"I understand." Nods kurt seriously in understanding.

"The most important thing is the timing at which you will jump on it. It's not easy to ambush a bear due to their wariness. I just hope that you don't miss the strike. Missing it means that the bear will either escape or be in a distructive fight with us. If it is former then, we are at least guranteed to go unharmed but, in the case of later it will be the worst outcome possible as one of us or in the worst case scenario, both of us might lose our life." Says smith seriously with nervousness still visible on his face.

"I understand. Why not select a tree or two, suitable for us to maneuver the bear to. After all, if we randomly try to pull it to a tree, it will be tough for us. If we pre-plan the operation, we might be more successful than randomly pulling the bear to a tree." Says kurt seriously as he points out the safest way.

"Hmm, how about that tree over there? Perfect place right?" Asks smith as he points out a tree after much contemplation.

"Smith, you and I know that, if we only choose one tree, it will be tougher for you to lure the bear. So, why not use that area over there as our place of lure. It has much more trees with branches on the lower end, better range for you to lure it towards and also easier for me to find an angle to jump from." Says kurt calmly as he points out an area with trees having big branches on the lower end, safe enough for him to jump from.

"Good, good, young fella, it might have been our blessing to have you here. If I followed my own thinking then maybe, the worst case scenario would've happened. Anyways get ready, the fight will most likely end within a minute or two." Says smith as he gets ready to intervene the grizzly bear, who currently has the upper hand, while kurt quickly climbs a tree and starts jumping from branch to branch to reach the pre-planned location as the time for hunt isn't faraway.

Authors note: Having found a novel with the same name as 'TRIAL OF TIME',which was the previous title of this novel and the author of that said novel started writing it a month earlier than mine, I have decided to change the novels title to 'TIMELESS VOYAGE'. I hope you all enjoy my work. Thank you.