Tragedy of Yeselvia 

As soon as the girl finished her words, a new system notification appeared before Kyle.

[Generating new mission…]



[Mission generated]

[New chain mission: The tragedy of Yeselvia.]

[Mission Rank: G- ]

[Mission part 1: Find the information about the recent accident that happened in the Kingdom of Yeselvia and information about the individual named Marcel Salts. Report your findings to Reiler Salts.]

[Mission Reward: +100 exp, +5 gold, unlock part 2 of the mission.]

[Accept mission?]


'One hundred' Kyle focused on the rewards of the mission. A hundred exp was quite a lot for a mission that focussed on collecting the information on the first floor of the Ascension Temple. One hundred exp was equivalent to one additional stat point.

When Kyle thought about stat points, he suddenly remembered that he had yet to claim the system rewards from the hunting mission that he had taken the previous day.

'Open mission panel' Kyle muttered under his breath.

[Mission panel]

[Ongoing mission(s): The tragedy of Yeselvia (Details)]

[Completed unclaimed mission(s): Beast clearance hunt.]

[Mission reward: 400 exp (claim mission rewards?)]


[Completed claimed mission(s): __ ]

Kyle thought about claiming the mission rewards and another notification appeared before him.

[Mission reward claimed.]

[+400 exp]

'Add one point to agility.'

[100 exp spent.]

[+1 agility]

[Agility: (3) —-> (4)]

Kyle immediately felt a slight electric current pass through his body and everything slowed down in his eyes for a brief second before returning back to normal. 

Kyle tapped the wrist-band on his hand and immediately a holographic screen appeared before him. Since the accident happened two days ago and Kyle had just returned just a few minutes earlier, his wrist-band should have synced all the latest news about the Ascension Temple till the time that he was still inside his house. 

The girl was a bit surprised when she saw a holographic screen emerging from Kyle's wrist and stepped back in fear. But after seeing that Kyle was still safe and seemed to be reading some strange characters on the screen, she composed herself while looking curiously at those strange characters. After going through five different threads on the Ascender Forum, Kyle had a rough understanding about what happened.

Two days ago, a strange meteorite was seen falling in a forest near the city that the delegation of Marcel Salts was passing by. Strangely enough, after the meteorite hit the ground, all the inhabitants from the nearby cities, towns and villages disappeared in thin air leaving only the ascenders behind. Some of the paid threads mentioned that the area around the fall of the meteorite was investigated by an intelligence organisation, but strangely there were no signs of the meteorite or those inhabitants. They mentioned that it was highly possible that only those with certain missions would be able to trigger this storyline and know the truth.

But one thing was certain that since the prelude to this mission was so grand and impactful, the mission would also be very hard but also the rewards would be worth it. Some of the leading guilds had also announced that they would give very handsome rewards to anyone that could sell them this mission.

Kyle looked at the rewards and they indeed were very appealing to any common ascender, but he didn't lack any of them. Kyle put away the hologram and turned towards the girl who was looking towards him from a distance.

"They say that a strange meteorite fell in the forest near the town where your father was passing by, and all the people mysteriously disappeared after that. It is possible that your father was also one of the people who disappeared, but we can't be sure about it." Kyle told her.

"No-no way!" Tears began flowing out of the girl's eyes once again.

[Chain mission: The tragedy of Yeselvia.]

[Part-one completed.]

[Claim rewards?]


[Rewards collected: +100 exp, +5 gold, unlocked mission part 2.]

"You can take these." The girl said and threw a pouch containing 5 gold coins towards Kyle. Kyle took the pouch and put it inside his storage bracelet. This time, the girl was too busy crying to see the pouch disappearing in thin air.

Reiler Salts continued to sob for some time before calming herself.

"Um… Can you help me find more about this incident by checking out the place of this incident? I know that my dad is still alright…. You can also take this. It is a special tracker which can track the position of my father as long as he is alive. I will definitely give you appropriate rewards for your effort. Even if you can't rescue my father, it will be fine as long as you can tell me about the place that he is held in."  

[Chain mission: The tragedy of Yeselvia.]

[Mission part 2: Rescue Marcel Salts.]

[Mission Rank: E-]

[Mission rewards: 100 gold, +500 exp, unlock part 3 of the chain mission.]

[Accept mission?]


Kyle felt that something was wrong with the mission description or rather the mission's name. According to what the girl had said, there should be another optional part of the mission which required him to only find the location of Marcel Salts, scout the nearby area for any threats and not rescue him, but his mission description didn't show that part.

If Kyle had not already thought of rescuing Marcel Salts, he would have given up the mission due to this abnormality, but since the mission did not deviate from his original intentions, Kyle decided to accept the mission.

Seeing that Kyle had still not accepted the mission and was thinking something, the girl sneered in her mind. 'True enough, all these ascenders were the same. Greedy and unreliable.'

"I can increase the rewards if you think that these rewards are not..."

"No need. I will do it and I don't need you to increase the rewards." Kyle immediately refused. In many of the chain missions, the favourable impression on the inhabitant was also a parameter to get the next part of the mission. The girl was taken aback a bit but this much was far from enough for her to change her impression of the ascenders.

Kyle also didn't mind her and immediately left towards the city centre. After renting a wagon for the journey and buying some supplies, Kyle immediately left the city and headed towards the location described in the threads.

As soon as Kyle left the city gate, another luxurious wagon also left the city while following his wagon from a distance. None of the city guards dared to stop the wagon, instead they bowed respectfully while abandoning their duties for the entire duration that the wagon was within their sights.




The loud roar of a beast sounded across the vicinity of the forest. Kyle dodged the beast's paw which was moving towards him and slashed with his sword. The sword cut through the flesh of the overgrown tiger leaving another deep wound on its body.

With another roar, the beast charged towards Kyle once again while pointing its three horns in the latter's direction. Kyle, who was already used to such overgrown beasts charging towards him, remained unfazed despite the strong visual impact and tightened his grip on the sword hilt.

 As soon as the beast reached near him, Kyle swung his sword with absolute precision and lightning fast speed. With a sound of something sliding against a metal, red blood spilled on the ground and the decimated head which lacked an eye and a fist sized hole near one of the ears fell on the ground.

Kyle inhaled deeply and stabilised his breathing as he read the system notifications while sitting on the ground near the corpse.

[Tri-horn feline killed.]

[+20 exp]

[Extract usable parts?]


Kyle immediately pressed yes on the holographic screen and the corpse of the beast was covered in bright colourless light. After the light dissipated, only empty ground was left before Kyle.

[Tri-horn feline horns × 3 deposited to inventory.]

[Tri horn feline meat deposited to inventory.]



After resting for some time, Kyle got back to the wagon which was tied a few hundred metres away from the site of the battle and restarted his journey. Eighteen hours had already passed since he left the city of Aseles and he had been travelling non-stop. The stead that was drawing his carriage was much sturdier than a horse from Earth. That paired with its larger size and higher speed saved much time that needed to be spent on the road.

While he was steering the horse in the direction of the Yeselvian city that was reported on the thread, Kyle heard a slight rustling sound coming from behind his carriage. He smiled helplessly and ignored this sound. This carriage had been following him ever since he left the city while maintaining a fixed distance from his wagon. Although he hadn't seen it even once in the entire journey, he was aware of its presence. There were only so many reasons why someone would follow him.

 Since he was already aware of this, Kyle had been conserving his mana as much as possible in case that the people following him had some malicious intentions and attacked him out of the blue. Although this made it much more challenging to fight the beasts and was irritating, Kyle was still able to manage it. Anyways this mission didn't seem to be as simple as it appeared on the surface and leaving the Ascension Temple while the mission was still ongoing would be considered as forfeiting the mission. 

Under such circumstances, it wasn't unacceptable that he had to conserve mana. The presence of the carriage trailing him was just another excuse for him to spend the least amount of mana that was possible. He just prayed that he wouldn't need to spend too much mana while dealing with his pursuers if the need arose.

After travelling continuously for one and a half days, Kyle finally reached his destination. He left his wagon outside the city gates and entered it. 

After a few days of the incident, the city was filled with the soldiers of the Yeselvia who were trying to figure out the reason behind the sudden disappearance of all the inhabitants present at that time while also trying to pacify the situation. On the other hand, there was also a large number of ascendents who were trying their luck at triggering the mission for the sake of trying it themselves or earning money by selling the mission to those guilds.

In the Ascension Temple, a mission could only be attempted once. Failure or success of the mission would decide the future course of those involved. So, the price offered by guilds for certain missions could reach a very high price. This price could change the lives of regular people, so many were trying their best to find it.

Kyle didn't know if it was because he had the mission, but he felt chills in his back while the others seemed to feel no such things.