The Hateful Outsider

The next day was Monday and Kyle had two classes in the morning.

"Kyle, did you check out the news today?" Veldic asked as he took his seat beside Kyle.

"No, did something interesting happen?" Kyle asked as he turned towards Veldic.

"Do you remember the news about the strange incident that happened near Starglint city?" Veldic asked, barely able to hold back his words.

"Oh!" Kyle replied in shock and immediately opened the news about Starglint city in his holowatch. He would have completely forgotten about it if Veldic didn't mention it to him.

Kyle had been travelling to Accelente City throughout the last two days, and had forgotten to check the latest news the previous night. It was only now that he checked the news. Kyle immediately entered the keywords 'Starglint City.' and started reading through the news article.

'17 years old reveals the much awaited mission based on the disappearance of all the inhabitants from the region surrounding Starglint city.'

Kyle began reading the article. The forest around Starglint city had become a popular exploration site ever since the picture of the aftermath left behind by his battle against the Karcellen corpse had been uploaded on the internet. This person called Kelper Sheen was a second year student in a nearby town who had also gone there with his group of friends hoping that he could find the mission and earn all those rewards offered by those many major guilds....

Kelper accidentally tripped and fell into the well when his friends sent him away to find a source of water.

On hitting the bottom of the well, he found a hole in one of the walls of the well. This was the same hole made by Kyle when he was rescuing Marcel Salts. When Kelper took a look in the hole out of curiosity, he found the traces left by Marcel Salts.

Kelper Sheen felt his heartbeat quicken as he followed those traces to reach the other end of the cave.

Suddenly, something held on to one of his legs and he nearly tripped.

When he looked at what it was, he had the fright of his life as he saw a shrivelled body that looked no better than a dried-up corpse holding his legs. "Sa-saave plea-se." These were the last words before the body lost consciousness and Kelper received the third part of the chain mission that Kyle had rejected.

He immediately ran out of the well and dashed to the capital of Yeselvia along with his friends to inform them about the people who had been struck in the cavern.

Someone among their group of friends had posted this on the forums after they had completed the mission and Kelper Sheen's name was mentioned in the post.

A few minutes later, Kelper's house was surrounded by media and agents of the state level guilds.

In the end, Ascendence Pletenen was able to recruit him while no other continental level guilds didn't even show up as if they had lost all interest. But the interesting fact was that all those continental level guilds had also taken down their offers just a few minutes before the arrival of the agent of Ascendence Pletenen.

After making sure that the news had nothing to do with him and that his name wasn't mentioned in the article, Kyle put down the holographic screen and looked ahead.

"Now that you know this piece of news, let me tell you another interesting thing." Veldic said in an excited tone.

"After he joined the Ascendence Pletenen, this guy called Kelper has not appeared before the public again. People say that he has directly been admitted to some special training camp held by the Ascendence Pletenen.... for training potential leaders of the organisation, but why would he not even be allowed to appear in public before he set off for the training camp?" Veldic said in a curious tone.

"Kyle, do you think that there is some conspiracy behind this?" Veldic asked.

"Alright, the teacher is about to arrive. Everyone please take your seats." The second class representative said while staring at Veldic who had been elected as the first class representative.


"Kyle, we are going to have our first class assignment this Friday, so the club president asked me to remind you to be present in the club meeting tomorrow if possible." Veldic said as he parted ways with Kyle.

"Alright, I will try my best to attend it. If I come to school tomorrow, I will definitely be there, but if I don't, you can continue without me and mail me whatever is decided later." Kyle said as he walked towards his house.

"Alright." Veldic made a gesture with his hand as he walked away in a different direction.


When Kyle teleported back to the Ascension Temple, he was shocked to see a crowd gathered in the streets of the city.

"Sorry, my girlfriend asked me to take her shopping and I couldn't refuse. I promise that I will not be late a second time." A teenager ran past Kyle as he joined a small group of similar aged people.

"So, what did I miss? Why is there so much crowd gathered in the streets?" The boy asked his friends.

"I asked around and an inhabitant told me that a high level transcendent is going to pass through here. Damn they are treated like celebrities in this world." Another person from their group said.

"Oh! But why would a transcendent move around like this? Don't they enjoy very high statuses on the lower floors?" Someone asked.

"Yeah, I heard that this particular transcendent had handed his personal guard some important documents, but the corpse of his guard was found with a mutilated head in the forest a few hours ago." The person who had answered the previous question replied in a slightly smug tone.

"Oh! There is such a story! Do you think that there will be a mission or something?" Another one from the group asked in an excited tone.

Kyle who just happened to be passing by heard this and raised his brows. 'Was this guard the same one that he had silenced yesterday?'

"Oh! The lord is here." At this moment, someone from the crowd spoke in an excited tone.


"Hey, stop pushing around!"

"What the.. who stepped on my foot? Do you want me to teach you how to keep your feet to yourself?"



All sorts of noises could be heard as soon as someone mentioned that the transcendent was coming and the crowd took a step forward while curiously looking towards one end of the road.

"Is this.... is this ugly toad the one who is passing by? Where is the promised celebrity...?" An irritated feminine voice was suddenly heard at an awkward moment when the crowd had turned silent.

Immediately, the entire crowd turned and looked at a girl wearing a mini-skirt and tattoos on both her thighs. She looked to be in her early twenties, but was still struck on the first floor of the Ascension Temple.

Feeling the gazes of everyone directed at her, the girl immediately turned silent and Wink leapt four times as she ran away from the crowd.

At the same time, Kyle also turned back and walked away from the crowd. When he was sure that no one was around, he took out an envelope from his storage bracelet and tore it open. Inside, there was a letter which was shining brightly. This letter rather than the envelope was the trigger to the mission.

'To Empress Kaitlin Wan-Arilliance.'

'My love Kaitlin.....'

What Kyle read wasn't some important document sent by a transcendent to the ruler of a kingdom, it was a love letter written by him to his childhood crush. The long letter went to describe how they were in true love and how he was heartbroken when he saw her marrying another man.

He as the son of a low ranking minister could only watch as the king married away his daughter to the prince of another kingdom, which according to him was forced on her.

He later described how heartbroken he was, but he never gave up on his love.

After his awakening as a transcendent, he worked hard and finally reached the peak of second level after seven years.

Now, he was back to claim the love of his life, but his superiors strictly forbade him from attacking any normal resident, let alone the emperor of a prosperous country.

As such he resorted to writing love letters addressed to her every few days. Although his previous few letters had been intercepted by the emperor himself, he had faith that once his letter reached her, the empress would leave everything behind and come running back into his arms.

Kyle had lost count of the number of times he wanted to throw away the letter while reading it, but somehow he persisted, but that was until he read the new system notification.

[Generating new mission]



[New Mission: The messenger of unrequited love.]

[Detected error....]

As soon as he read the title of his new mission, Kyle lost his cool and tore away the letter until the pieces were so small that he couldn't hold them in more than a thumb and a finger.

'There was no messenger of love without the love letter. Right?'

[Hidden mission triggered: The hateful outsider, enemy of love.]


[Condition to unlock: Ascendant level 2]

[Mission rank: B]

[Mission rewards: locked]

Kyle had unknowingly triggered the hidden mission, but at least it was better than the original.

Whenever he remembered the things written in that letter, he would inevitably be reminded of the looks of this man called Arloan. And then..... he would feel like puking his guts out.

There was no way that a beauty capable of becoming the empress of an empire would fall for that hideous looking creature. No way!

Although Kyle had to give it to this man for his dedication, this dedication and this love was unrequited.